Taguchi method for parameter optimization in the numerical simulation stage for the injection molding process
Numerical simulation, Plastic injection, TaguchiAbstract
This paper proposes the use Taguchi method for parameter optimization in the numerical simulation stage for the injection molding process to reduce the total displacement of the product. The variables of melting temperature, cooling time, filling time, and holding time were identified. The use of Taguchi's design of experiments of three levels and five factors is proposed, which adds up to a total of 27 iterations of the experiment. The signal-to-noise analysis determined that the two most influential parameters in the decrease of displacement were melting temperature and pressure maintenance time. After the analysis of the variance and the interpretation of signal graphs, two experiments were proposed whose values demonstrated an improvement of 27 % (5.0349 mm) and 31.43 % (4.7485 mm), respectively, compared to the control values (6.9252 mm). Using Taguchi and SolidWorks plastic, it was possible to reduce the variation of deformation and the detection of the main variables that affect the filling process of the part by applying the proposed method.
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