Conflict of interest policy

The authors of a manuscript, the editors of the journal that receives it, and its reviewers (internal and external), must disclose any conflict of interest that could influence the manuscript or its review and approval. In the event that the authors declare a conflict of interest, this must be informed to the reviewers of the manuscript. In turn, those invited to review a manuscript should excuse themselves from doing so if they have a conflict of interest with the authors or the subject. The journal guarantees that the most suitable reviewers will be selected also in terms of thematic and academic compatibility.

In case of controversy, the Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT) undertakes to resolve these cases through its Editorial Board of Ethics. That it will be in charge of solving these cases, and the most pertinent measures will be taken to identify and prevent the publication of articles in which there have been cases of misconduct in the investigation. In no case will the Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT) encourage such improper conduct, nor will it knowingly allow such conduct to occur.

In the event that the journal editor or editors learn of any allegation of misconduct in the investigation, the editor will address the allegations, retracting or correcting the articles when necessary. Publishing the corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies, if necessary.

To resolve disputes, we follow COPE guidelines where applicable.

Obligations and responsibilities.

The Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas undertakes to:

  • ensure the quality of the scientific material it publishes
  • ensure freedom of expression
    • maintain the academic integrity of its content, ensuring that the material it publishes conforms to internationally accepted ethical standards.
    • be willing to post corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.

Authors' obligations

The authors must guarantee the authorship of the documents they present. Authorship corresponds to those who have made a significant contribution to the work. If the work has significant contributions from more than one author, they must appear as co-authors.
The authors should provide contact information to facilitate communication with other researchers regarding the published work. These data will be disseminated together with it.

Originality and plagiarism

Authors must guarantee that they have the rights they present in their work, as well as that they have made use of the right to quote the work of other authors.

Those originals in which plagiarism is detected will be rejected. Likewise, an author should not submit originals that essentially describe the same work that they have already published in another work.