Design, construction and control of a novel ankle rehabilitation device


  • Salomón Blanco-Figueroa Tecnológico Nacional de México / Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (CENIDET). Int. Internado Palmira, C.P. 62490. Cuernavaca, Morelos, México.
  • Arturo Abúndez-Pliego Tecnológico Nacional de México / Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (CENIDET). Int. Internado Palmira, C.P. 62490. Cuernavaca, Morelos, México.
  • Andrés Blanco-Ortega Tecnológico Nacional de México / Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (CENIDET). Int. Internado Palmira, C.P. 62490. Cuernavaca, Morelos, México.
  • Fernanda De Jesús-Ramírez Tecnológico Nacional de México / Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (CENIDET). Int. Internado Palmira, C.P. 62490. Cuernavaca, Morelos, México.
  • Yunel Loeza de la Cruz Universidad Tecnológica Emiliano Zapata del Estado de Morelos (UTEZ). Av. Universidad Tecnológica 1, Palo Escrito, C.P. 62765. Emiliano Zapata, Morelos, México.



Rehabilitation system, Ankle rehabilitator, Virtual prototype, PID controller


A novel two-degree-of-freedom ankle rehabilitation device was designed and simulated in this work. The device was designed based on both the anthropometric measurements of the Mexican population and the natural kinematics of the ankle joint during walking; therefore, allows reproducing the dorsiflexion - plantarflexion and eversion - inversion movements. The virtual prototype of the ankle rehabilitator was simulated in MSC Adams® to determine the dynamic response by implementing Proportional - Integral control techniques for each movement. The simulation results show that the prototype achieves a maximum and minimum range of motion that precisely matches the anthropometric parameters of the ankle. This behaviour is observed by maintaining the motors operating at a constant speed, which is crucial to ensure stability and accuracy in the performance of the device. The rehabilitator, driven by two geared motors driving four-bar mechanisms, allows simple movements, as well as dorsi/plantarflexion and inversion/eversion combinations to be performed simultaneously.


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Virtual prototype in the MSC Adams® software environment.



How to Cite

Blanco-Figueroa, S., Abúndez-Pliego, A., Blanco-Ortega, A., De Jesús-Ramírez, F., & Loeza de la Cruz, Y. (2024). Design, construction and control of a novel ankle rehabilitation device. Revista De Ciencias Tecnológicas, 7(3), e359.

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