Simulation of a robotic knee orthosis virtual prototype
Knee orthosis, MSC Adams, Orthosis control, Orthosis exoskeletonAbstract
The complexity in the movements of the daily activity that people perform, causes them to recurrently suffer from some type of injury in the extremities (upper/lower); being the most common damage in the knee joint, partially or totally affecting mobility. Recent studies indicate that the use of biomechanical orthopedic devices, such as orthoses, facilitates rehabilitation and accelerates recovery from such injuries. The main objective of the design of knee orthoses is to improve mobility, stability and stiffness of the affected limb. This paper presents the process for the simulation of the flexion and extension movements of a virtual prototype of a knee orthosis, obtaining as a result the simulation and co-simulation between MSC Adams® and Simulink-Matlab®. To show the simulation process, a PID type control is implemented to follow the trajectories of the virtual prototype of the knee orthosis, using a Bézier polynomial. The results show a good performance in the trajectory tracking, obtaining a desired trajectory of a maximum bending of 2π/3 rad, with an approximate error of 0.0124 radians with respect to the desired trajectory.
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