Design and implementation process of a pico-hydro power generation system for teaching and training
Applications of industry 4.0, Learning and training, Mechanical design, Pico-hydro systemsAbstract
In Mexico the development of remote laboratories is incipient, in 2020 the National Council of Humanities, Sciences, and Technologies (CONAHCYT) created a network of virtual laboratories with nine of its public research centers in order to create a virtual space that enables the development of experimental and research activities in a distance modality. However, access to virtual laboratories is limited only to its members, and the platforms are still under development. With this motivation, this article presents a multi-institutional project for the design, development, and implementation of a pico-hydraulic system for small-scale power generation for teaching and training purposes with the aim of responding to the current need for distance or virtual teaching of practical knowledge due to the coronavirus disease (COVID‑19) caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. For the development of the system, technological innovation tools (QFD, TRIZ) were used, with which the design requirements were obtained considering the users (students and teachers) and the renewable energy-related competence of the curricula. Finally, the satisfaction of the users (students and teachers) with the use of the designed system shows the advantage of including it as part of the practical activities of the subjects to improve the development of power generation, transformation, and transmission system projects.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Josefa Morales Morales, Horacio Bautista Santos, Rafael Figueroa Díaz, César Manuel Valencia Castillo; Mauricio Leonel Paz González; Isaac Compean Martínez, Pedro Cruz Alcantar

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