Automatic method for collecting and monitoring fault codes in industrial processes guided by PLCs
Automatic fault monitoring, Machine downtime, Industry 4.0Abstract
This work presents the proposal of an automatic method for monitoring fault codes of industrial processes, as well as its real implementation in a production line made up of 5 different processes. For the implementation, some industry 4.0 techniques were taken as a basis, such as Big Data, Industrial Networks, Manufacturing Execution Systems and Cloud Computing, integrating them into a system capable of collecting information in real time and focused on a automatic failure monitoring of the process in which it is implemented. A method is presented that consists of 12 specific steps, defined and applicable to a system of microcontrollers that guide processes where it is necessary to track the fault codes of the same process, and which are connected by some means of communication to share information. In the implementation of the method in a real case, you can see how to adapt it to manufacturing processes with great accuracy. This implementation was carried out in a serial production line made up of 5 processes dependent on each other where each process has its own controller and its own fault codes. The results of the implementation made visible the causes of the large number of process stoppages and the data returned by the system helped make important decisions to allocate resources efficiently in order to reduce the time lost due to machinery failures. It was also possible to locate the processes with the most problems in the last period, which made it possible to identify an area of opportunity to increase the productivity of the monitored process.
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