Influence of particle size distribution on the properties of cotton gin residue and urea formaldehyde resin particleboards
Particleboards, Cotton gin waste, Urea formaldehyde resin, Particle size, PropertiesAbstract
The present paper exposes the feasibility of producing particleboards with wastes from the cotton industry in northeastern Argentina, agglomerated with urea-formaldehyde resin, as an alternative to replace wood with lower-cost lignocellulosic waste, for there are no measures to achieve an efficient final disposal. The aim is to achieve particleboards suitable for the construction of housing enclosures and simple furniture. With the intention of optimizing boards behavior, the influence of the particle size distribution and their morphological characteristics on the mechanical properties, water resistance, and final quality of the boards is investigated. Three situations are compared: unclassified milled material, classified milled material, and classified remilled material, which constitutes single-layer boards with resin percentages of 11.9 %, 15.1 %, and 19.3 %. Results show that the use of finer particles increases the flexural strength (MOR) and the modulus of elasticity (MOE) by approximately 35 % compared to boards where larger particles are used. Swelling and water absorption decrease between 25 % and 70 % by using smaller particles. Boards made with smaller particles achieve better resin impregnation and simpler mixing processes, which result in better-cut quality and smoother surfaces. These results contribute to the identification of a final disposal with added value for abundant waste and an alternative raw material that can replace wood in the board manufacturing process.
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