Evaluation of particle board production from cotton gin waste and urea-formaldehyde resin
Cotton gin residue, Urea-formaldehyde resin, Particleboards, JuteAbstract
The objective of this study was the evaluation of feasibility of producing particleboard for general use using cotton gin waste generated in Argentina and urea formaldehyde resin. The chemical composition and size distribution of particles of the ginning residue as well as mechanical and physical properties of the particleboards obtained were investigated. Density and flexural strength of particleboards produced with varying levels of urea-formaldehyde resin between 8.3 and 19.3% (solid to solid ratio) were evaluated. The effect of incorporating jute reinforcement on the mechanical properties of these boards was also analyzed. Particle boards with densities between 530 and 700 kg/m3 and variable flexural strength between 0.30 and 5.85 MPa were obtained, allowing the minimum levels required for low-density boards to be reached.
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