Comparative review of the mechanical energy absorption capacity of composite tubular structures
Laminate configurations, Fiber orientation, Composite materials, Data comparison, Regulations, StandardsAbstract
In this work, the analysis and comparison of results reported in the literature from 1987 to 2023 related to the specific energy absorption capacity of tubular columns of composite materials is presented. These materials were classified into three categories: a) Laminates with fibers in [0,90] orientation, b) Laminates with unidirectional fibers, and c) Laminates with multidirectional fibers. Specific energy absorption (SEA) was examined, and comparisons were made among the studies. The results exhibited a wide data scattering, even for quite similar configurations. Differences are attributed to factors such as specimen dimensions, constituent materials, and testing techniques. Additionally, a lack of standardized regulations was observed, hindering the comparison and identification of consistent patterns. It is concluded that the implementation of unified standards would enhance the coherence and comparability of results, providing a deeper understanding of these materials for future applications.
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![Analysis of energy absorption in relation to laminate configuration [0.90]2](
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