Green synthesis of materials nanoestructurados of ZnO in the degradation of organic polluting agents by means of the heterogenous photocatalysis
Green synthesis, Photocatalysis, NanomaterialAbstract
Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a material with a broad repertoire of optical, piezoelectric, antimicrobial activity, semi – conductivity, and photocatalytic properties that make it useful for many applications. However, increasing concern about environmental impact has led to the development of green processes for its production. In recent years, the green - synthesis of nanostructured materials has drawn attention as a non-complex, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly method in contrast to physical and chemical synthesis methods. Different nanomaterials have been developed using biological substrates among which the most studied are plant extracts that serve as a source of reducing agents and/or stabilizers. Therefore, the present review includes a summary of the different sources of plant extracts and methodologies applied to the green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles and thin films and the advances of the photocatalytic activity of synthesized materials in terms of efficiency. In this work, we also present a bibliometric mapping of the growth of studies in the field for 10 years from 2011 to 2020.
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