Dispenser prototype for sales optimization in different sectors
Automation, Dispensing, Vending, Prototype, SalesAbstract
The purpose of this work is to create a prototype of an automated system for the dispensing of various products, such as seeds, cereals, nails, screws, among others, with the objective of benefiting both the consumer and the supplier. A dispensing machine will be used that will use automation and dosing to provide an efficient service. In addition, it seeks to reduce direct contact between the customer and the vendor, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, where the exchange of currency has been identified as a means of contagion [1]. It is important to note that the most appropriate methodological approach for this project is quantitative, as it focuses on collecting essential data for more effective analysis and development. Also, the dispenser will not be limited to a single type of product, but will be versatile and adaptable for use in different industries, allowing its operation 24 hours a day. For the development of this prototype, the proposed materials are MDF and acrylic, together with 3D printing and the use of SolidWorks software, the Wokwi platform for the simulation of the system and its components, hardware and software that will allow the operation of dosing, product selection and charging. In addition, the Arduino IDE will be used for the programming and the code in the ESP32 microcontroller, which will help the prototype to be beneficial in terms of the relationship between the system and the customer.
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