Analysis of the thermal performance of an assembly constructive system in an extremous dry warm climate
Thermal monitoring, Thermal environment, Thermal habitability, Thermal comfort, Assembly construction systemAbstract
The quality of the thermal environment is a determinant in the user’s thermal perception, so the effects of the construction systems used in the building are key in the thermal habitability of the space. Knowing the thermal performance with the monitoring technique allows a realistic evaluation under conditions of the microclimate where it is built. The objective of this study was to evaluate the thermal environment of the period of transition and cold of two houses built with an assembly constructive system (Thermorock), applied in walls and roof, to establish the variations of dry bulb temperature in its interior comparing them with a base case of a system of predominant use in an extreme's dry warm climate (Mexicali, Baja California). A monitoring strategy was developed with seven measuring points in one house; two points in the other and two more in a reference house, plus an outdoor sensor in each of the houses. The sensors were placed based on the standards of ISO 7726 and ASTM 168 - 97. The results indicate that the evaluated system allows thermal comfort conditions for users in a desert climate.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Francisco Gibranny Curiel Sánchez, Luisa Paola Murguía Tostado, Ixchel Astrid Camacho Ixta, Gonzalo Bojórquez Morales

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