Estimation of thermal comfort by physical variable of the thermal environment: A study in open spaces at UABC-Sauzal, Mexico
Confort térmico, correlación de datos, espacios exteriores, sensación térmica, variables físicas del ambienteAbstract
Thermal comfort in outdoor spaces is an essential characteristic for the urban environment quality; in addition, it can significantly influence the performance, well-being, comfort and thermal sensation of people. Therefore, the design of outdoor spaces must consider the thermal comfort ranges in response to the environment conditions in order to promote their frequent and healthy use. The main objective of this work was to estimate the thermal comfort ranges for outdoor public spaces from the adaptive approach and each of the physical variables of the thermal environment. The study was carried out in Ensenada city during the warm period. The evaluations, questionnaire and physical measurement instruments attended what is suggested in the ANSI/ASHRAE 55, ISO 10551 and ISO 7726. The analysis was carried out with the correlation of the registered physical variables and the perceived thermal sensation from two univariate statistical methods: Averages by Thermal Sensation Intervals and Simple Linear Regression. The comfort ranges for the temperature were 19,2 to 25,1 °C and 20,1 to 23,8 °C; for relative humidity were 54,3 to 83,6 % and from 0,01 to 99,9 %; and, for wind speed were 0,1 to 2,6 m/s and 0,1 to 5,9 m/s, respectively. The values obtained with the first analysis method showed greater consistency with respect to the real evaluation conditions.
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