Topography and urban furniture: adaptation strategies in contemporary public spaces




Topography, Urban furniture, Public space, Barcelona


The research aims to establish a theoretical and analytical framework for integrating urban furniture with topography in public space design. Through the analysis of emblematic cases, strategies that have successfully adapted terrain slopes to create functional and socially active spaces are identified. This study highlights three key design principles: the use of terrain slopes as structuring elements, the multifunctionality of seating areas, and the reduction of earthworks to minimize environmental impact. The article examines the evolution of these strategies with a particular focus on Barcelona, a city where topographic adaptation has played a crucial role in shaping public space. The selection of case studies is based on both the urban and academic significance of these spaces and the author's direct experience, as they explored and analyzed their functionality while conducting doctoral studies in the city. Emblematic cases such as Park Güell and projects from the Fórum Barcelona are examined, demonstrating how design can enhance user experience and reinforce place identity. The criteria applicable to current urban design are established by studying historical and contemporary examples in Barcelona. Finally, the study underscores the importance of considering the relationship between topography and urban furniture as a fundamental axis in urban planning, aiming to develop strategies that optimize public space quality and foster more livable and dynamic environments.


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View of the stands under the photovoltaic pergola



How to Cite

Chávez Acosta, O. (2025). Topography and urban furniture: adaptation strategies in contemporary public spaces. Revista De Ciencias Tecnológicas, 8(1), 1–16.