Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): January-March

					View Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): January-March
Research articles: -Preparation of functionally graduated materials by electrophoretic deposition -Preparation of Mucoadhesive Films of Polyelectrolyte Complexes for the Release of Chlorhexidine Diacetate -Waveguide design as biosensors -Evaluation of bis-fluorophore compounds in water from the Tijuana river -Chitosan as a fungicide from shrimp exoskeleton -Sustainable building and CO2 emissions: analysis of the transport of sand in Tijuana and Tecate, B.C. -C6 − C10 hydrocarbons from residual polyethylene Review articles: -Deep vein thrombosis in lower extremities: review of current diagnostic techniques and their symbiosis with machine learning for timely diagnosis
Published: 2020-02-18

Research articles

Review articles