Analysis of the behavior of current harmonic distortion in inverters interconnected to the electrical grid, through the use of experimental design methodology


  • Adán Alberto Jumilla Corral Departamento de Eléctrica - Electrónica, Instituto Tecnológico de Mexicali, Av., Tecnológico S/N, CP 21376 colonia Elías Calles, Mexicali Baja California, México
  • Zulma Yadira Medrano Hurtado Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Instituto Tecnológico de Mexicali, Av., Tecnológico S/N, CP 21376 colonia Elías Calles, Mexicali Baja California, México
  • Pedro Mayorga Ortiz Departamento de Eléctrica - Electrónica, Instituto Tecnológico de Mexicali, Av., Tecnológico S/N, CP 21376 colonia Elías Calles, Mexicali Baja California, México
  • Hernán Daniel Magaña Almaguer Departamento de Metal - Mecánica, Instituto Tecnológico de Mexicali, Av., Tecnológico S/N, CP 21376 colonia Elías Calles, Mexicali Baja California, México
  • Mario Alberto Camarillo Ramos Departamento de Computación y Sistemas, Instituto Tecnológico de Mexicali, Av., Tecnológico S/N, CP 21376 colonia Elías Calles, Mexicali Baja California, México



Power quality, Current harmonic distortion, Analysis of variance, Factorial arrangements


In this research work, a study of the behavior of current harmonic distortion was carried out in a load node fed by the public electricity network and by inverters interconnected to the same node. The analysis was developed through an experimental design, using statistical tools such as analysis of variance and complete factorial arrangements, applied to experimental data obtained by configuring a test bench with a common coupling point with the load, where They integrate the powers of the network and renewable systems (photovoltaic), through electronic inverters. The results obtained show that the impact on current harmonic distortion in the load node depends mainly on the type of inverter used and the load connected to the node. In addition, the harmonic flows appear to a greater extent in the supplier's network compared to the harmonics present in the loads connected to the node under study.


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General schematic diagram of the test bench.



How to Cite

Jumilla Corral, A. A., Medrano Hurtado, Z. Y., Mayorga Ortiz, P., Magaña Almaguer, H. D., & Camarillo Ramos, M. A. (2023). Analysis of the behavior of current harmonic distortion in inverters interconnected to the electrical grid, through the use of experimental design methodology. Revista De Ciencias Tecnológicas, 6(1), e239.



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