Public school building in Bogotá 1916-2019: from the Lancasterian model to project-based learning


  • Edgard Mauricio Carvajal Ronderos Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad La Gran Colombia, Bogotá D.C, Colombia



School architecture, Pedagogical model, Architectural typology, Learning environments


The research covers the history of public school architecture in Bogotá, relating it to the pedagogical model used at all times, from the Lancasterian model of the mid-19th century to the project-based learning model of the second decade of the 21st century, discovering how the building School is one more tool in the teaching-learning process, responding to the different needs that the teacher had to teach his class. The different architectural typologies, distribution of learning spaces, regulations and pedagogical theories are studied until the year 2006 when the PMEE is issued and the architectural spaces are regulated in quantity, architectural and environmental conditions according to the educational level, the model pedagogical relied on technology. In the 20s of the 21st century, the project-based learning model began, which is transversal, that is, group work is no longer only between students of the same course, even of the same level, so the conclusions of this research we will propose the guidelines necessary to design the architectural model for public schools in Bogotá in the 20s of the XXI century.


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Panama republic college



How to Cite

Carvajal Ronderos, E. M. (2021). Public school building in Bogotá 1916-2019: from the Lancasterian model to project-based learning. REVISTA DE CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS, 4(3), 171–186.



Research articles
