The city from the point of view of migrants, refugees and displaced persons:
Urban facilities and habitability for the northern border of Mexico
Border, Migration, Habitability, Equipment, SustainabilityAbstract
The 21st century has been marked by numerous migrant mobilizations, whether due to warlike, environmental, political, cultural, or economic circumstances. Specifically, the migratory crisis that occurs on the northern border of Mexico has put on the table the urgency of having sufficient and adequate equipment and infrastructure to meet the needs of the newcomers. The deficit of services and basic entities to attend to these socio-urban phenomena aggravates the possibilities of finding temporary housing, legal advice, or medical and psychological attention; in addition to making, it difficult to obtain income and integration into the social and cultural dynamics of the locality, among other favorable conditions for habitability. In this regard, the United Nations Organization points out, within the New Urban Agenda, the importance of creating accessible human settlements, which guarantee respect for the human rights of those who have been forced to displace. So, if contemporary cities are colloquially referred to as “concrete jungles” since a complex spatial development is manifested in them, how would the daily problems of mobility, infrastructure, and urban habitability be perceived from the particular circumstances of vulnerability, insecurity, and uncertainty experienced by migrants and refugees. It will be that the Mexican border cities are prepared for its reception. The purpose of the following writing is to present an advance in the research project entitled "Habitability and equipment for the northern border of Mexico, which has as part of its objectives to interpret the conditions in which the migratory crisis occurs, particularly in the capital city from Mexicali, Baja California. For this, the project privileges the qualitative approach by identifying, documenting, analyzing, and evaluating everything that concerns human settlements and recognizing both the urban and socio-cultural aspects of the phenomenon.
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