Electronic transport through molecules organic


  • Luis Germán Morales Valenzuela Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design, Autonomous University of Baja California. Carretera Tijuana- Ensenada Km 106, 22800 Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
  • Priscilla Elizabeth Iglesias Vázquez Faculty of Sciences, Autonomous University of Baja California. Carretera Tijuana- Ensenada Km 106, 22800 Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
  • Ruben Cesar Villarreal Sánchez Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design, Autonomous University of Baja California. Carretera Tijuana- Ensenada Km 106, 22800 Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5395-580X




Electronic transport, Green function, Electrical current, Benzene, Molecular Electronics, Small movable gate.


The use of molecules as electronic components has marked a trend of miniaturization in devices known as molecular electronics. It has been performed theoretical calculations of the quantum transmission coefficient and the electric current through a molecule of benzene connected to electrical terminals. The transmission coefficient is obtained by recursively calculating the Green function of the system. The influence of a small movable gate SMG on the transmission is also modeled. The results show that the transmission coefficient oscillates as a function of the incident energy of the electrons, and the electric current shows that the benzene molecule has a semiconductor character. The oscillations in the transmission can be manipulated either by the position of the terminals in the molecule or influence of the SMG in a region close to a particular atom.


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Benzene molecule with different configurations: (a) para-p, (b) meta-m and (c) ortho-o of the electrical terminals.



How to Cite

Morales Valenzuela, L. G., Iglesias Vázquez, P. E., & Villarreal Sánchez, R. C. (2019). Electronic transport through molecules organic. REVISTA DE CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS, 2(2), 66–70. https://doi.org/10.37636/recit.v226670



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