Feasibility of the use of recovered glass in ceramic production. A proposal oriented by eco-efficiency, circular economy and sustainability
Glass, Ceramic, Eco-efficiency, Circular economy, SustainabilityAbstract
In this research, tests were carried out to corroborate the feasibility of integrating glass, considered a waste, in the ceramic manufacturing process, and thus reduce both the use of virgin raw materials and energy consumption. Glass from single-use bottles were recovered and processed to integrate it into the formulation of ceramic compounds. The eco-efficiency approach was used to compare the results obtained, and thus configure procedures that were integrated into the proposed proposal. Due to the fact that each pottery community has a raw material with its own characteristics, which are given according to the particular environment in which they are developed, two clays were selected, whose samples were located at the extremes of the characteristics of an optimal material for making ceramic pieces: a) a lump of clay with a high degree of plasticity and b) a reddish soil with high iron content. Plasticity, shrinkage, porosity, and resistance to deformation tests were carried out with a ceramic compound containing soil, clay, and ground glass in different proportions, to compare their properties after a firing process. The results show the feasibility of reusing glass waste by incorporating them into the ceramic manufacturing process, achieving pieces with adequate characteristics, while: a) reducing, up to 20%, the consumption of clays and b) promoting the greater energy efficiency of the firing process: at the same temperature, samples to which the glass has been added registered a decrease in the sintering point, which represents a saving in energy consumption.
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