Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 3 (1): 10-22
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Universidad Autónoma de Baja California ISSN 2594-1925
Volumen 8 (1): e386. Enero-Marzo. 2025.
1 ISSN: 2594-1925
Cases studies
Design and construction of an electrical load simulator
prototype using recycled materials
Diseño y construcción de un prototipo simulador de cargas
eléctricas usando materiales reciclados
José Francisco Castillo Martínez , Pedro Cruz Alcantar , Isaac Compeán Martínez , Héctor
Arturo Álvarez Macias
Unidad Académica Multidisciplinaria Región Altiplano, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
UASLPUAMRA, Carretera Cedral Km, 5+600 Ejido San José de las Trojes, Matehuala, San Luis
Potosí 78700, México
Corresponding author: Pedro Cruz Alcantar, Unidad Académica Multidisciplinaria Región Altiplano,
Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí UASLPUAMRA, Carretera Cedral Km, 5+600 Ejido San
José de las Trojes, Matehuala, San Luis Potosí 78700, México. E-mail: ORCID:
Received: October 14, 2024 Accepted: February 19, 2025 Published: February 21, 2025
Abstract. - The growing need for skilled personnel within the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) has
highlighted the importance of developing innovative and resource-efficient training tools. This project
aimed to design and construct a prototype electric load simulator using recycled materials to address the
demand for supplementary training methods. The methodology included the selection and integration of
reused components, followed by rigorous testing to validate the simulator's functionality under laboratory
conditions. The scope of the project extended to the practical application of the simulator in a training
session, which demonstrated its effectiveness in enhancing staff understanding of electrical load systems.
The results indicate that this approach can significantly contribute to optimizing training programs within
the CFE.
Keywords: Learning and training; Mechanical design; Electrical loads; Electrical systems.
Resumen. - La creciente necesidad de personal capacitado dentro de la Comisión Federal de Electricidad
(CFE) ha puesto de manifiesto la importancia de desarrollar herramientas de capacitación innovadoras
y eficientes en el uso de recursos. Este proyecto tuvo como objetivo diseñar y construir un prototipo de
simulador de cargas eléctricas utilizando materiales reciclados para abordar la demanda de métodos
complementarios de formación. La metodología incluyó la selección e integración de componentes
reutilizados, seguida de pruebas rigurosas para validar la funcionalidad del simulador en condiciones de
laboratorio. El alcance del proyecto se extendió a la aplicación práctica del simulador en una sesión de
capacitación, lo que demostró su efectividad en mejorar la comprensión del personal sobre los sistemas
de cargas eléctricas. Los resultados indican que este enfoque puede contribuir significativamente a
optimizar los programas de capacitación dentro de la CFE.
Palabras clave: Aprendizaje y formación; Diseño mecánico; Cargas eléctricas; Sistemas eléctricos.
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 8 (1): e386.
ISSN: 2594-1925
1. Introduction
The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) plays
a significant role in Mexico's social and
economic development, supplying electricity to
95% of the population and employing
approximately 95,000 people, including
technicians, engineers, and administrative staff.
Additionally, CFE is a key player in driving the
country’s energy transition towards cleaner
energy sources and developing new energy
projects [1,2]. Globally, CFE ranks 43rd out of
50 in the World Benchmarking Alliance’s
ranking of electrical service providers [3]. Its
core mission is to deliver energy goods and
services efficiently, sustainably, economically,
and inclusively, aiming to establish itself as
Mexico’s leading energy company. To achieve
this, CFE prioritizes strengthening its human
capital while providing high-quality electrical
energy services [4].
As part of its commitment to human resource
development, CFE facilitated 11,945,954 hours
of training in 2023 and 8,492,987 hours in 2024
through diverse training modalities [2]. These
efforts are supported by three National Training
Centers (CENAC), which offer courses and
instruction nationwide [5]. However, given the
size of its workforce, it is essential to
complement these initiatives with additional
strategies, such as localized training, peer
learning, and the development of infrastructure
for training and educational activities.
CFE’s inventory includes numerous pieces of
equipment and materials that have reached the
end of their operational life [6]. These items
present an opportunity for reuse, supporting the
creation of training infrastructure while
promoting sustainability. Similar efforts have
been reported in the development of educational
tools for technical training, where the reuse of
materials and innovative prototypes has
enhanced learning experiences while reducing
costs and environmental impact [7,8]. For
instance, previous works have demonstrated the
effectiveness of simulators and prototypes in
replicating real-world conditions for training
purposes, but there is a lack of focus on using
repurposed materials, especially in the energy
This work addresses this gap by presenting the
design and construction of a prototype electrical
load simulator developed using repurposed
equipment and materials. The simulator aims to
provide practical, hands-on training for CFE
employees, aligning with the organization's
sustainability goals and the challenges set for the
20242030 administration [5].
The remainder of this article is organized as
follows: Section 2 details the methodology used
for designing and constructing the prototype.
Section 3 presents the results of the simulator's
laboratory testing and its application in training
sessions. Finally, Section 5 concludes with the
study's main contributions.
2. Material and Methods
2.1 Design Requirements
The design requirements for the electrical load
simulator were based on the needs of field
operations and training activities within the
Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) [7].
These requirements are listed below:
1. Maximum height of 1.8 2 meters.
2. Opening of at least 90 degrees of rotation
on its axis.
3. Panel fixed to the floor and wall.
4. Easy rotational mobility.
5. Use of reused materials.
6. Ability to simulate resistive, inductive,
and capacitive loads.
7. Configurable to simulate combinations of
load types.
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 8 (1): e386.
ISSN: 2594-1925
8. Equipped with the ability to attach
measuring instruments.
9. A three-phase system with a voltage of
127 V per phase.
10. Ergonomic use for ease of operation.
2.2 Evaluation of Material for Reuse
An analysis was carried out on the available
material for reuse in the construction of the
simulator, focusing on the excellent condition of
the electrical devices. The materials given a
second life include a panel base, a TCS donut-
type current transformer, electrical test boards, a
three-phase meter, transformers, an 8x10 AWG
control cable, and a socket base with 13
terminals. Figure 1 shows some examples of
these materials.
Figure 1. Second use material
2.3 Design of the Load Simulator Panel
The design proposal must meet the company's
requirements for an appropriate design
considering the construction phase.
2.3.1 Proposal of the Single-Line Electrical
Figure 2 illustrates a three-phase, four-wire
diagram (phase A, phase B, phase C, and neutral)
proposed for the electrical circuit of the load
simulator. This diagram shows all the equipment
and elements to be used, such as the electrical
loads (inductive, capacitive, and resistive), the
CTs, the three-phase meter, the electrical test
board with its connection, and the three phase-
neutral lines. The detail section illustrates the
socket base of the three-phase meter and its
connection to the electrical test board. The
connection includes the three phases or voltages
(Va, Vb, and Vc) from the board to the meter,
along with the input and output current
relationships (EI-a, SI-a, EI-b, SI-b, EI-c, and SI-
c) for each phase or voltage, specifying their
positions on the socket base.
Figure 2. Three-phase, four-wire diagram (phase A,
phase B, phase C, and neutral) and connection of the
three-phase meter with the test board.
2.3.2 Electrical Circuit of the Load Simulator
Using the previous circuit, the electrical circuit
diagram for the prototype is presented in a more
illustrative way, showing each of its elements.
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 8 (1): e386.
ISSN: 2594-1925
Figure 3. The electrical circuit of the simulator with its
With the previous proposal, design requirements
5 through 9 were met.
2.3.4 Preliminary Design Proposal
Once the electrical proposal for the load
simulator is established, the mechanical design
must address the manufacturing and construction
requirements. Figure 4 shows the proposed
model for fixing the prototype, where both the
lower part (which will be fixed to the floor) and
the upper part (fixed to the wall) of the simulator
structure, attached to the floor and wall,
respectively, can be observed.
Figure 4. Model for panel mounting.
With the established fixing method, it is possible
to propose the layout of the simulator
components in a 3D arrangement. Figure 5 shows
the top, front, and rear views of the prototype
with the arrangement of its elements.
Figure 5. Views of the simulator element
With the above, the remaining design
requirements have been fulfilled.
2.4 Construction of the Simulator Prototype
2.4.1 Materials Used
At this stage, a broader overview of the selection
of materials that were reused is provided.
The materials used are as follows:
13-terminal socket base.
CTs (Current Transformers) with a
current ratio of 400/5 Amps.
Bare and insulated terminals.
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 8 (1): e386.
ISSN: 2594-1925
Wiring: A 1/0 aluminum cable was used
for the connection between CTs.
Additionally, an 8x10 AWG control
cable was used for most of the prototype.
Finally, a 3x12 AWG CU heavy-duty
cable connected the switches and the
electrical loads.
Thermomagnetic circuit breaker.
Bulbs: 60-watt incandescent bulbs.
Capacitors: 20 microfarads.
2.4.2 Construction of the Electrical Load
A wooden sheet, previously used to mount
electric power meters, was repurposed for
constructing the load simulator. It was modified
to meet the specific design requirements of the
project. Figure 6 illustrates the process of
attaching the simulator panel. To ensure both
rotation and stability, a metal plate was secured
to the floor, serving as the base for assembling
the panel.
Figure 6. Views of the simulator element distribution
After fixing the panel, the larger surface area
equipment was installed, including the CTs, the
electrical test board, and, of course, the three-
phase meter, as shown in Figure 7
Figure 7. Connection of the front and rear part of the
Finally, the connection of the power supply
(three phases and a neutral), the installation of the
switches, the CTs, and the connection of the
electrical loads were carried out.
3. Results
Figure 8 shows the final prototype designed and
built based on the company's requirements.
Figure 8. The final prototype was designed and
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 8 (1): e386.
ISSN: 2594-1925
The operation of the components and the
prototype was verified using a toolbox meter and
an instantaneous test system with the following
instruments: KLEIN TOOLS CL900 digital hook
multimeter, METREL MD9240 clamp
multimeter, and a conventional stopwatch.
Several load conditions were proposed for the
prototype using Figure 3 as a reference. Eight
configurations were proposed for the types of
loads, of which only four results will be
presented: resistive load, capacitive load,
inductive-resistive, and finally, resistive-
inductive-capacitive. The modifications to the
sets are shown in the following figure.
Figure 9. Prototype Testing Conditions
The company's internal format, shown in Figure
10, was used to record the data obtained from the
load cases evaluated. This format collects the
data measured with conventional instruments and
those obtained through the meter's ToolBox.
Figure 10. The internal format of the data recording
The results obtained from the tests conducted
manually and using the Toolbox for each
evaluated case are presented in Table 1. The case
with the highest percentage of discrepancy or
error is the capacitive load, with 2.55%, while the
other cases show errors below 0.1%. Capacitive
loads are prone to higher measurement errors in
three-phase systems due to their intrinsic
characteristics. This is attributed to various
factors, including the reactive nature of these
loads, harmonic distortion, system impedance,
and variations in load conditions
Table 1. Results of the cases evaluated.
Test: Resistive load
Measurement error %
Test: Capacitive load
Measurement error %
Test: Resistive - Inductive load
Measurement error %
Test: Resistive- Inductive-Capacitive load
Measurement error %
The prototype demonstrated satisfactory
performance across the evaluated load cases.
Additionally, the results were confirmed through
two separate measurement techniques, ensuring
accuracy with minimal errors.
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 8 (1): e386.
ISSN: 2594-1925
3.1. Training developed
Once the load simulator prototype's operation
was verified, it was used to support the training
of the company's personnel, both new and active
workers. Figure 11 shows evidence of the
personnel being trained.
Figure 11. Training of company personnel.
3.2. Economic, ecological, and technical
The use of recycled materials significantly
reduced the project costs compared to using new
materials. For instance, repurposing a wooden
sheet previously used to mount electric power
meters, along with other recycled components,
allowed the prototype to be built without
requiring financial investment, relying solely on
the labor provided by the company’s employees.
This demonstrates that similar projects can be
developed economically without compromising
Additionally, the project promoted
environmental sustainability by reusing materials
that would otherwise have been discarded as
waste. The company possesses a large inventory
of materials and equipment that can be
repurposed, reducing solid waste generation and
CO₂ emissions associated with the production
and transportation of new materials. This
approach underscores the feasibility of
integrating circular economy principles into the
design of training equipment.
From a technical perspective, the prototype met
the functional requirements established during
the design phase. Laboratory tests confirmed its
mechanical stability, capacity to support rotation,
and ease of use, exceeding the expected quality
standards. Furthermore, its application during a
training session proved effective in simulating
electrical loads and enhancing personnel
understanding of electrical systems. This
comprehensive analysis highlights the relevance
of the project not only from a technical
standpoint but also as an economic and
sustainable model that can be replicated in
similar contexts.
4. Conclusions
In this project, a prototype electrical load
simulator in board format was designed and built
using recycled materials. The prototype
facilitates training on connecting, handling, and
measuring various electrical loads. It also
provides instruction in measurement systems,
safety protocols, and fault identification,
contributing to improved performance in the
work field. The tests performed allowed
verifying the prototype's operation by obtaining
favorable results. Two different measurement
techniques were used, with a maximum error of
2%. The project is expected to benefit CFE
personnel by enabling more efficient training and
execution of their activities. Additionally, the
prototype's construction marks the beginning of
a program focused on repurposing discarded
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 8 (1): e386.
ISSN: 2594-1925
materials and developing specialized training
5. Authorship acknowledgment
José Francisco Castillo Martínez and Pedro
Cruz Alcantar: Conceptualization, José
Francisco Castillo Martínez: Project
administration, Pedro Cruz Alcantar:
Methodology, Review and Editing, Supervisión.
Hector Arturo Álvarez Macias, Isaac Compeán
Martinez: Review and Editing.
6. Acknowledgements
The authors wish to express their sincere
gratitude to the Federal Electricity Commission
(CFE) for their invaluable support and the
facilities provided during the development of this
project. Their collaboration was instrumental in
the preparation of the technical report and the
results presented in this work.
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[7 H. V. G. Navas, "TRIZ: Design Problem Solving with
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Derechos de Autor (c) 2025 José Francisco Castillo Martínez, Pedro Cruz Alcantar, Isaac Compeán Martínez, Héctor Arturo
Álvarez Macias
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