Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 3 (1): 10-22
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Universidad Autónoma de Baja California ISSN 2594-1925
Volumen 6 (4): e326. Octubre-Diciembre. 2023.
ISSN 2594-1925
Research article
Adjust operating conditions of an in-made house
horizontal hydraulic press for a 90° cold bending process
Ajustar las condiciones de operación de una prensa hidráulica horizontal de
fabricación propia para un proceso de doblado en frío a 9
Hugo Estrada Pimentel1, Hugo Arcos Gutiérrez2, José Antonio Betancourt Cantera3, Jan
Mayen2, John Edison García Herrera2*
1POSGRADO-CIATEQ A.C. Centro de Tecnología Avanzada, Circuito de la Industria Poniente Lote 11,
Manzana 3, No. 11, Col. Parque Industrial Ex hacienda Doña Rosa, Lerma, Estado de México. C.P. 52004.
2CONAHCYT-CIATEQ A.C. Centro de Tecnología Avanzada, Eje 126 No.225, Industrial San Luis, San Luis
Potosí 78395, México.
3CONAHCYT-COMIMSA, Corporación Mexicana de Investigación en Materiales, Ciencia y Tecnología No.
790, Col. Saltillo 400, 25290 Saltillo, Coahuila, México.
Corresponding author: John Edison García-Herrera, CONAHCYT-CIATEQ A.C. Centro de Tecnología
Avanzada, Eje 126 No.225, Industrial San Luis, San Luis Potosí 78395, México. E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0001-5842-1658.
Received: September 6, 2023 Accepted: November 27, 2023 Published: December 1, 2023
Abstract. - During the cold-bending process, the tooling suffers considerable damage due to excess pressure.
This also causes the machines to break down, causing problems in the precision and quality of the metal parts
formed. The precision depends on the operating conditions of the press, the tooling employed, and the elastic
recovery effect of the material. This study determines the working conditions for a made-in-house horizontal
hydraulic press through an experimental design (DOE). This research carried out the V-forming to 90° (ISO
2768-1) of a hot-rolled carbon steel plate, considering pressure, piston permanence time, and recovery factor
(Kr). The experimental and statistical analysis ensures accurate forming while the work pressure decreases
by 17% and 33%, respectively, regarding the maximum. This reduction will delay the appearance of fatigue
damage and have the operating parameters well established; in turn, it will be possible to design tools
according to commercial standards.
Keywords: Cold forming; DOE ANOVA; Recovery factor (Kr); Factorial analysis 2k; Spring back (SB).
Resumen. - Durante el proceso de conformado en frío, las herramientas sufren daños considerables debido
al exceso de presión. Esto también causa que las máquinas se rompan, causando problemas en la precisión y
calidad de las piezas metálicas formadas. La precisión depende de las condiciones de funcionamiento de la
prensa, las herramientas empleadas y el efecto elástico de recuperación del material. Este estudio determina
las condiciones de trabajo de una prensa hidráulica horizontal fabricado en casa a través de un diseño
experimental (DOE). Esta investigación llevó a cabo el conformado en V a 90° (ISO 2768-1) de una placa de
acero al carbono laminada en caliente, teniendo en cuenta la presión, el tiempo de permanencia del pistón y
el factor de recuperación (Kr). El análisis experimental y estadístico asegura un conformado preciso, mientras
que la presión de trabajo disminuyó en un 17% y 33%, respectivamente, con respecto al máximo. Esta
reducción retrasará la aparición de daños por fatiga y tendrá los parámetros de funcionamiento bien
establecidos; con estos, a su vez, será posible diseñar herramientas de acuerdo con los estándares
Palabras clave: Conformado en frío; DOE ANOVA; Factor de recuperación (Kr); Análisis factorial 2k;
Recuperación elástica (SB).
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e326.
ISSN 2594-1925
1. Introduction
Cold forming or forging is a highly efficient
process for shaping material profiles. A metal
plate is creatively deformed within a tooling
using a press at room temperature [1-3].
Predicting and controlling elastic recovery (SB,
spring back) during bending processes is one of
the principal challenges as it depends not only on
the bending process parameters but also on the
raw material's inherent characteristics and
processing [4-8].
Additionally, reducing scrap in die development
poses a complex challenge of full importance to
tooling designers. [9-14]. Failing to achieve this
objective can result in significant issues during
part assembly, thus generating additional
expenses for tooling adjustments. If recovery
cannot be accurately predicted, one must
repeatedly attempt to obtain the proper
conditions to compensate for the SB [15-18].
In the case of products manufactured using a cold
bending process, the standards for quality,
specifications, and tolerances tend to be quite
stringent. [19, 20], as they are cross-industry
[3,21-23]. The performance and dimensional
quality of these products can be influenced by
various factors, including but not limited to wear
and tear of tooling, environmental conditions,
production process, and service life [24-27].
When manufacturing, carefully considering the
hydraulic press's operating conditions is crucial.
Precision operations during the bending process
are indispensable factors to keep in mind,
particularly regarding the pressing form and
method [28-30]. Excessive load is often the cause
of premature damage to pre-forming tooling or
dies, despite their ability to withstand high levels
of stress and wear due to their design. Despite
being classified as perishable tooling, they are
engineered to resist fatigue and friction contact
[1, 31-34].
This research aims to establish a precedent for
operating an in-made house horizontal hydraulic
press and to acquire a deeper understanding of
achieving the best possible conditions for
effectively making bends, precisely 90° or V-
bends hot-rolled carbon steel plate. It is crucial to
optimize the press's performance, ensuring that it
operates with maximum efficiency while
avoiding exceeding the maximum pressure limit
of 3000 psi. Furthermore, we must consider the
necessary compensation for spring-back to
prevent deviations from the desired
specifications and maintain precise geometrical
tolerances. Maintaining a deviation of no more
than from the nominal angle during the
bending process is crucial. This guarantees the
final component's quality and subsequent
procedures success. To prevent any deviations in
future processes and ensure the smooth operation
of the finished piece, it is essential to compensate
for spring-back adequately.
2. Materials and experimental details
The bending process was carried out at a 90°
angle of plate 6.963*2* ¾ inches (large, width,
and thick) hot-rolled carbon steel (by ASTM A-
36). The bending procedure was performed by
the method outlined in the reference [35] and
illustrated in Figure 1.
1. Material preparation: ensure the plate has
the correct dimensions and strength to withstand
the V-bending process.
2. Bending tool selection: select the
appropriate V-bending tool for the size and
thickness of the material to be bent. The bending
tool can be a bending die or a bending press.
3. Material positioning: place the plate on
the bending tool, ensuring that the bending line is
aligned with the V-shaped line of the die. As
shown in Figure 1 a).
4. Bending tool adjustment: It is necessary
to adjust the bending tool to achieve accurate
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e326.
ISSN 2594-1925
bending and proper bending force. Setting the
tooling to apply the required bending force and
accomplish the correct bending angle is essential.
5. Bending: To bend the workpiece
accurately along the V-line shown in Figures 1 b)
and 1 c), the bending tool must be precisely
actuated to apply the required force.
6. Results verification: verify that the angle
and quality of the bend are adequate, as shown in
Figure 1 d).
Figure 1. The Manufacturing process of the arm for pendants by bending: a) Positioning, b) Bending, c) Piston retraction, d)
Manufactured part.
The process above was done at Martin Sprocket
& Gear Inc., a specialized company that
manufactures helical worm equipment for the
transporting and handling bulk materials. This
equipment is highly prevalent in various
industries, including food, mining, agriculture,
and pharmaceuticals, where they function as
mixers, dozers, elevators, or agitators based on
the worm principle. Figure 2 displays the purpose
of the sub-assemblies to prevent the helical
element from deflecting, thus reducing friction
between the component and the main housing.
Such a sub-assembly carries two pieces called
arms or pendants, obtained by cold bending.
Figure 2. Schematic representation of the function of support manufactured for a helical conveyor.
A 2k factorial experiment design was conducted
to determine the press operating conditions
necessary for obtaining a 90° bending (Fig. 1 c).
The variables in this DOE were the press pressure
and the time of the pressure permanence before
the piston recoil. Each variable had four levels
(k=4). In Figure 3, the variables are summarized
in the diagram.
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e326.
ISSN 2594-1925
Figure 3. Schematic of the tests.
The pressure applied to a material is the principal
factor defining its deformability. Hence, the
pressure was considered one of the controlling
variables during the testing process; this
experimental analysis was done under four levels
in descending order from 3000 to 1500 psi with
500 psi steps. The second factor was the
permanence time before the piston retraction,
while the pressure was maintained to compensate
for the SB. Likewise, four levels were tested in a
permanence time, from 0 to 1.5 seconds with 0.5
seconds’ step. From the above, we have 24=16,
and two tests were made for each case of
experimentation, giving a total of 32 tests.
For each test, the angle after the bend was
measured with a Wixey digital goniometer,
model WR300 Type 2, as seen in Figure 4. The
measurements were utilized to compute the
deviation from the nominal angle, as the
objective is to achieve a bent workpiece with a
90° angle. The statistical analysis of the data was
performed by ANOVA using NCSS statistical
software (NCSS 2021, statistical software,
Kaysville, Utah, USA). This analysis considered
a confidence level of 95%, with a type of bilateral
Figure 4. Angle measurements in pieces subjected to the bending process.
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e326.
ISSN 2594-1925
3. Results and Discussions
Table 1 shows the angles obtained after
subjecting each plate to bending. It is important
to remark that variables such as pressure and
permanence time before the piston retraction
were considered during the process.
Table 1. Value of angles measured for each experimental condition.
t1= 0 s
t2= 0.5 s
t3= 1 s
t4= 1.5 s
P1 = 3000
P2 = 2500
P3 = 2000
P4 = 1500
To quantify the recovery in the plate, the
recovery factor Kr was calculated by the
following ratio [36]:
βi is the value of the bending angle with load
applied, which for the case study is 90°.
βf is the resulting angle after removing the load
(shown in Table 1).
The Kr values obtained are presented in Table 2;
in this case, Kr values close to 1 imply an absence
of elastic recovery, resulting in SB approaching
zero. In contrast, if SB values move away from
zero, there is an increase in the recovery effect.
Table 2. Recovery factor Kr.
t1= 0 s
t2= 0.5 s
t3= 1 s
t4= 1.5 s
P1 = 3000
P2 = 2500
P3 = 2000
P4 = 1500
Figure 5 shows the values corresponding to the
factor Kr. According to the confidence level
established at 95%, the data show remarkable
adherence to the normal distribution line, thus
indicating an approximately normal distribution.
Settings are evenly distributed above and below
zero. Since the value p exceeds the limit of 0.05,
as can be seen in Table 3, it can be concluded
with statistical certainty that the data exhibit a
normal distribution. Therefore, the results are
statistically significant for further analysis.
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e326.
ISSN 2594-1925
Figure 5. Normal test with p-value > 0.05.
Table 3. Normality test results.
Normality Test
Prob. Level
Shapiro-Wilk W
Can´t reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness
D'Agostino Kurtosis
D'Agostino Omnibus
The results of the variance analysis (ANOVA), a
statistical technique employed to detect
significant discrepancies between the averages of
two or more groups, are shown in Table 4. This
study examined two primary factors: pressure
and time, as previously mentioned.
Table 4. Statistical values (Analysis of Variance).
The analysis reveals that the pressure has a
significantly high F-ratio value of 31.69. In
ANOVA, the F ratio compares the systematic
Variance resulting from the tested factors against
the random Variance, which stems from
unexplained variations. A higher F-value
indicates a higher probability that group
differences are systematic rather than random.
Figure 6 displays a chart depicting the effect of
the control factors (pressure and time) on the
response variable (Kr value) through a
presentation of the main effects. This graphical
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e326.
ISSN 2594-1925
representation visualizes how each factor
impacts the system's response.
Achieving a Kr value of 1 during the bending
process is crucial because it signifies that the
part's appropriate and final bending angles are a
perfect match. A Kr value of 1 indicates that the
component has been bent precisely to the desired
angle, thereby minimizing any discrepancies that
may compromise the quality of the end product.
In Figure 6 a), it can be observed that Kr reaches
minimum deviation with a value of 0.9995,
which is close to the ideal value of 1 when the
pressure is at 2000 psi. This result suggests that
pressure has a significant impact on bending
Figure 6 b) represents the value of Kr as a
function of the permanence time of the load
(pressure). Notably, a permanence time of 1
second before piston retraction also produces a
minimum deviation of Kr, reaching a value of
0.99963. This observation indicates that time is
another crucial factor that can optimize bending
Figure 6. Plots of the main effects: a) recovery factor as a function of pressure and b) recovery factor as a function of time.
The data in these graphs indicate that the most
precise bending can be achieved by combining
2000 psi pressure and 1 second time. It's
important to comment that these values might
fluctuate due to other factors, like the material
type and machine specifications. Therefore, it is
always recommended to perform additional
experiments and fine adjustments to optimize the
bending process in each case.
Considering the variance analysis presented in
Table 4, which indicates that pressure is the most
significant factor, Figure 7 a) displays the
interactive effect of the control variables by
illustrating the Kr behavior based on the pressure
function. In the graph, there are three conditions
for which Kr is very close to 1, for a pressure of
2000 psi with a time of 0.5 and 1 s, and at 2500
psi at 0.5 s. These three conditions are confirmed
as observed in the surface response graph shown
in Figure 7 b).
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e326.
ISSN 2594-1925
Figure 7. Interaction’s plot: a) Kr as a function of pressure, and b) surface plot.
Figure 8 shows a comparative box plot of two
process variables to ascertain the most favorable
combinations to produce optimally formed parts.
Upon examining Figure 8 a), it can be inferred
that the conditions most conducive for attaining
an optimal Kr value of 1 lie between 2000 and
2500 psi. The data underscores this inference by
showing a median Kr value of less than 1 at 2000
psi and a value exceeding 1 at 2500 psi.
Consequently, these two pressure points
represent the highest probability of achieving the
ideal Kr value. Notably, the 2000 psi condition
exhibits a normal distribution slightly more
centralized than that at 2500 psi.
On the other hand, Figure 8 b) provides a
chronological plot of Kr values. Notable
observations at the timestamps of 0.5, 1, and 1.5
seconds reveal a certain reproducibility level
where Kr is proximate to 1. A wider distribution
around the 1 s mark contrasts with the 0.5 s mark.
Yet, most results cluster around a Kr value of 1,
rendering 1 s a suitable choice. The 1.5 s
condition, however, does not seem to represent
the desired outcomes and would lead to an
increased cycle time in the process.
Figure 8. Box plot for a) Kr as a function of pressure and b) Kr as a function of time.
The results show that the two reliable
combinations are 2000 psi/1 s and 2500 psi/0.5 s. By selecting these sets of parameters as optimal
and accounting for any deviations from the
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e326.
ISSN 2594-1925
desired 90º angle, we can guarantee the ability to
achieve bending with a ±0º 20' tolerance,
categorized as type C according to ISO 2768's
(International Organization for Standardization
(1989), ISO 2768-1: General Tolerances:
Tolerances for Linear and Angular Dimensions
Without Individual Tolerance Indications). It
should be noted that such tolerance is lower than
required in the plane (±1º) for the part
manufacturing. Furthermore, applying 2000 and
2500 psi pressures would lead to a remarkable
16.66% and 33.33% reduction in the press
operating pressure, respectively. It is worth
highlighting that, for the bending process, the
adjustment of the press is not the only parameter
that influences the final angle obtained; other
variables affect the final result, such as the
punch's radius, the material, the thickness, and
the mechanical behavior during the deformation
process, among others [4, 9, 10, 12]. However,
the objective of this work focused on obtaining
the appropriate dam operating conditions, and the
expected result of this improvement is an
increase in the durability of components
subjected to friction, reducing their wear and
minimizing the probability of fatigue failure in
mechanical elements [26]. It is also expected that
the temperature levels in the hydraulic unit are
below the critical level to avoid overheating and
the adverse effects it generates.
4. Conclusions
The findings of this study illustrate the viability
of producing a 90º bend in a hot-rolled carbon
steel plate (ASTM A-36) with dimensions of 2
inches in width, 3/4 inches in thickness, and
6.963 inches in length, utilizing an in-house
fabricated press.
Effective bending can be achieved by either
applying a pressure of 2000 psi with a dwell time
of 1 s before retracting the piston or utilizing a
pressure of 2500 psi with a waiting period of 0.5
s. These operational conditions comply with the
tolerance specified for type C in ISO 2768-1.
The applied pressures represent a decrease of
17% and 33%, respectively, about the maximum
pressure employed. These reductions are
anticipated to enhance the lifespan of tools,
pistons, and dies due to decreased wear and
fatigue. Moreover, the established operating
parameters facilitate the creation of a tool design
that aligns with commercially available matrices.
Another practical implication of these
operational parameters is the expectation that
temperature levels in the hydraulic unit will not
reach critical thresholds, thereby mitigating risks
associated with overheating. The importance of
thoroughly validating these final considerations
cannot be overstated. However, it's worth
highlighting that these analyses, while of
potential interest, were deemed tangential to the
study's primary objective and were not included
within its scope.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank Martin Sprocket
& Gear Inc. for allowing the use of their facilities
to perform this work. The authors also
acknowledge the CONAHCYT (Consejo
Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y
Tecnologías-México) for the support through the
Investigadores Por México program, projects
850 and 674.
6.- Authorship acknowledgement
Hugo Estrada: Conceptualization; methodology;
validation; writing; revision; project
administration; software; investigation; display;
draft writing; reviewing and editing. Hugo
Arcos: Conceptualization; methodology;
validation; writing; revision; simulation;
software; reviewing. José A. Betancourt:
Supervision; methodology; validation; writing;
revision; draft writing: writing reviewing and
editing. Jan Mayen: Supervision; methodology;
validation; writing; revision; formal analysis.
John E. García: Conceptualization; supervision;
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e326.
ISSN 2594-1925
methodology; validation; writing; revision;
project management; formal analysis, draft
writing: writing reviewing and editing.
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Derechos de Autor (c) 2023 Hugo Estrada Pimentel, Hugo Arcos Gutiérrez, José Antonio Betancourt Cantera, Jan
Mayen, John Edison García Herrera
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