parameter β. This parameter remains constant
and is also representative of the process variation
and reliability that the data represents. The man-
machine system is a dynamic process, so the
location parameter
of the Weibull distribution is
not considered, only the parameters
and η.
Failures of human error origin actively
participate in the failures of the machining area
due to the nature of the study, since it is a
workshop that produces high-mix, low-volume
batches, where operators, technicians,
programmers, etc., make voluntary and
involuntary errors when making changes to the
process/operation, machines, tools and materials,
produced by the frequent changes in the number
of parts to be manufactured. For the above, on the
man-machine system, there is a risk or probability
of failure, which is not dependent on time, being
of human error origin, reason enough for which
the Exponential distribution is used for the
evaluation of the reliability of the man-machine
system. Mixing production batches, varying the
type of material and/or the type of tool to be used,
is when wear on the cutting tool can occur and
this is what happens in reality in machining
workshops, since large batches of the same part
are generally not produced. It is also advisable to
use a measuring tool that allows one to appreciate
the wear on the cutting edge of the cutting tool,
such as a microscopic optical comparator since
with the vernier or the micrometer it is not always
possible to appreciate the variation in the cutting
edge of the tool.
6. Author acknowledgments
Rosa Ma. Amaya Toral: Conceptualización; Recursos;
Ideas; Metodología; Análisis formal; Investigación;
Recursos; Análisis de datos; Borrador original. Manuel
Baro Tijerina: Conceptualización; Ideas; Investigación;
Análisis de datos; Escritura. Martha P. García
Martínez: Conceptualización; Ideas; Metodología;
Análisis formal; Investigación; Análisis de datos;
Escritura; Borrador original; Revisión y edición;
Administración de proyecto. Judith Valdiviezo
Castillo: Conceptualización; Ideas; Metodología; Análisis
formal; Investigación; Análisis de datos; Escritura;
Borrador original; Revisión y edición; Administración de
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