Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 3 (1): 10-22.
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Universidad Autónoma de Baja California ISSN 2594-1925
Volumen 2 (1): 45-48 Enero-Marzo 2019
ISSN: 2594-1925
Dimensionality and geometry effects on a quantum
carnot engine efficiency
Efectos de dimensionalidad y geometría en la eficiencia
del motor quantum carnot
Herrera Alcantar Hiram Kalid
, Carvajal García José Carlos
, Rosales Pérez Osvaldo
Villarreal-Sánchez Rubén Cesar
, Iglesias-Vázquez Priscilla Elizabeth
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada, Baja California, México
Facultad de Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Diseño, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, carretera
transpeninsular Ensenada-Tijuana 3917, colonia Playitas, Ensenada, Baja California, México
Autor de correspondencia: Priscilla Elizabeth Iglesias Vázquez, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad
Autónoma de Baja California, Carretera Transpeninsular Ensenada-Tijuana 3917, Colonia Playitas,
Ensenada, Baja California, México. E-mail:
Recibido: 21 de Julio del 2018 Aceptado: 15 de Enero del 2019 Publicado: 27 de Febrero del 2019
Resumen. - Calculamos la eficiencia de un ciclo de Carnot cuántico para una partícula confinada en dos
pozos de potencial infinitos diferentes, un pozo de potencial cilíndrico de radio variable y un pozo de
potencial bidimensional cuadrado con periodicidad en uno de sus lados. Encontramos que la eficiencia
depende directamente de la dimensionalidad y la geometría del pozo que confina a la partícula.
Palabras clave: Ciclo de Carnot; Motor térmico; Confinamiento cuántico.
Abstract. - We calculate the efficiency of a quantum Carnot cycle for a particle confined in two different
infinite potential wells, a cylindrical potential well of variable radius and a two-dimensional square
potential well with a periodicity in one of it sides. We find that the efficiency depends directly on the
dimensionality and geometry of the well that confined the particle.
Keywords: Carnot cycle; Heat engine; Quantum confinement.
1. Introduction
A classical heat engine is a device that extracts energy
𝑄𝐻 from a high temperature heat source, it generates
work 𝑊 with an amount of this energy and the rest is
release into a low temperature drain. The efficiency 𝜂
of a heat engine is defined by 𝜂= 𝑊/𝑄𝐻. It is well
known that the heat engine reaches the highest
possible efficiency following Carnot cycle model [1].
This cycle consists in a gas confined by a cylinder
with a movable piston. Although classical heat
engines have been extensively studied, it is of interest
to study the systems and processes that could
increase their efficiency. In recent years, with the
developments of nanotechnology and quantum
information processing, the study of quantum systems
began to attract more attention. Consequently, the
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 2 (1): 45-48
ISSN: 2594-1925
Quantum Heat Engines (QHE) have been proposed
theoretically [2-13]. In QHE, rather than having a gas
confined in a cylinder with a movable piston, it is
considered a single particle confined by a quantum
potential well that walls play the role of the piston by
moving in and out. Current studies on QHE have
considered different type of potential wells, for
example, a single particle confined by one (1D), two
(2D) or three-dimensional (3D) infinite square
potential well [3-5]. Based on this, in the present paper
we further calculate the efficiency of a quantum
Carnot cycle considering a single particle confined by
two different types of potential wells, an infinite
cylindrical potential well and an infinite 2D square
potential well with periodicity, as to our best
knowledge, these cases have not been considered.
Comparison between these two cases enable us to
extend our understanding about the dimensionality
and geometry effects of quantum confinement on the
efficiency of a QHE.
2. Methodology
We consider a particle of mass m, confined by two
different types of quantum potential wells: an infinite
cylindrical potential well (CPW) of radius 𝑟, in this
case the particle is confined in the space inside the
CPW. Also, we consider an infinite 2D square
potential well (SPW) of length 𝑎 that has periodicity
every 2𝜋𝑅 in the 𝑦 direction, thus the space where the
particle moves are now on a cylinder that has length 𝑎
and circumference 2𝜋𝑅.
2.1 Schrödinger equation and energy eigenvalues
We start from the time independent Schrödinger
where is the Planck constant, 𝑉 represents the
potential, 𝜓 is the wave function, 𝐸 are the eigen
energies obtained by the expectation value of the
Hamiltonian [14], and
is the Laplace operator in the
corresponding coordinates of each of the potential
wells, i.e., in cylindrical coordinates for the CPW and
in 2D Cartesian coordinates for the SPW. We shall use
the symbol 𝑆 to denote the length of the different types
of potential wells, i.e., 𝑆 = 𝑟, 𝑎. Once the energies 𝐸
of each case is obtained (see Table 1), we calculated
the force 𝐹 exerted on the wall of the wells, which is
defined as the negative derivative of the energy [3].
where the length 𝑆 may vary. From table 1, we can see
that each energy level state 𝐸𝑘,𝑙 is inversely
proportional to the length of the well, i.e., 𝐸𝑘,𝑙
decreases as the length of the of the well increases,
and vice versa, in this sense we can imagine that the
walls of the potential well can move like a piston in a
classical thermodynamics system [3].
Table 1. Energies obtained in each potential well. Here 𝑘, 𝑙 =
1,2,3, are quantum numbers and zkl is the kth cero of the
Bessel function of order one.
2.2 Quantum Carnot cycle
The authors of Ref. 3 calculated the efficiency of a
quantum Carnot cycle by using a single particle
confined by a 1D infinite square potential well. Using
the procedure described in Ref. 3, we further
investigate the efficiency of a quantum Carnot cycle
by considering different type of potential well that
have not been reported. The quantum analogue of
classical Carnot cycle consists of four processes
described below and illustrated in figure 1.
1. Isothermal expansion. Starting at the ground
state, which corresponds to the potential well of length
𝑆1, we expand isothermally this length up to 𝑆2 and
excite the second energy state of the system. In this
process, a force 𝐹1 is applied and an amount of energy
𝑄𝐻 is absorbed by the system.
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 2 (1): 45-48
ISSN: 2594-1925
2. Adiabatic expansion. The expansion continues
adiabatically up to 𝑆3 applying a force 𝐹2 on the wall,
and the system remains in the second energy state.
3. Isothermal compression. We compress
isothermally the length of the well down to 𝑆4 until
the system is back in the ground state. A force 𝐹3 is
4. Adiabatic compression. The compression
continues down to 𝑆1, applying a force 𝐹4 on the wall.
During this process the system remains in the ground
The area of the closed loop in figure 1 represents the
work 𝑊 done in a single cycle of the quantum Carnot
engine [3]. There is an associated force 𝐹 to each of
the four process, from these, we calculate the total
work 𝑊 done during a full cycle by evaluating the
following integrals.
Figure 1. Illustration of a four-step quantum Carnot cycle, where
S denote the length of the different types of potential wells and
F is the force exerted on the wall of the wells.
We also calculate the energy 𝑄𝐻 absorbed by the
system during the isothermal expansion, which is
given by
Therefore, calculating 𝑊 and 𝑄𝐻 for the CPW and
SPW, we finally calculate the efficiency 𝜂 =
𝑊/𝑄𝐻 of each case.
Table 2. Efficiency obtained in each potential well as a function
of its length. Here 𝑧
≈ 3.8317 and 𝑧
3. Results and Discussions
In the case of the SPW, we remained unchanged the
non-periodical side on the 𝑥 direction and the radius
𝑅 of the periodicity on the other side was varied. For
the CPW, the parameter that was varied was the radius
of the cylinder. For each case, the procedure indicated
in the methodology section was developed. The
efficiencies obtained are shown in Tables 2 and 3.
Table 3. Efficiency of each potential well as a function of its
energy level states
4. Conclusions
It was found, from the efficiencies shown above, that
the efficiency of the quantum Carnot cycle depends of
the length of the potential well. It should be noted that
the importance of this work relies in the fact that the
efficiency changes as a function of the geometry and
dimension of the potential well that confined the
single particle, this could help for future works to find
a QHE with a higher efficiency and possible
applications such as those proposed in Ref. 11, 12 and
13, where possible applications are proposed for a
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 2 (1): 45-48
ISSN: 2594-1925
QHE. As a future work, other type of thermodynamic
cycles such as the Otto cycle or Stirling cycle can be
analyzed to determine how the dimensionality and
geometry affects their efficiencies.
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