Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 3 (1): 10-22
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Universidad Autónoma de Baja California ISSN 2594-1925
Volumen 6 (4): e328. Octubre-Diciembre. 2023.
ISSN: 2594-1925
Research article
Voice communication module for automotive instrument panel
indicators based on virtual assistant open-source solution -
Mycroft AI
Módulo de comunicación de voz para indicadores de un panel de instrumentos
automotriz basado en la solución de asistente virtual de código abierto - Mycroft AI
Ricardo Hernández Mejía1, Francisco Javier Ibarra Villegas2, Caín Pérez Wences2
1Posgrado CIATEQ, A.C., Av. Nodo Servidor Público #165 Col. Anexa al Club de Golf, Las Lomas, 45131 Zapopan, Jalisco, México
2CIATEQ, A.C. Centro de Tecnología Avanzada, Santiago de Querétaro, 76150, Querétaro, México.
Corresponding author: Ricardo Hernández Mejía, Posgrado CIATEQ, A.C., Av. Nodo Servidor Público #165 Col. Anexa al Club de Golf, Las
Lomas, 45131 Zapopan, Jalisco, México. E-mail: ORCID: 0009-0005-2384-1464.
Submitted: 19 de Septiembre del 2023 Accepted: 19 de Septiembre del 2023 Published: 5 de Octubre del 2023
Abstract. - This work was originated from the increasing interest in several industries to implement voice based virtual assistant solutions
powered by the Natural Language Processing field of study. This work is focused on the automotive industry Human Machine Interface
related products, specifically the Instrument Panel. Nowadays people are constantly using virtual assistants like Google Assistant, Alexa,
Cortana or Siri on their electronic devices. Furthermore, 31% of cars have a built-in virtual assistant, for example Ford uses Alexa, Merced-
es-Benz and Hyundai use Google Assistant, BMW and Nissan use Cortana, GM uses IBM Watson, Honda uses Hana and Toyota uses YUI.
Apart from the proprietary solutions described earlier, there are also contemporary open-source generic solutions available on the market,
such as Mycroft AI which stands out from other technologies due to ready to deploy, well documented, simple installation on a Linux PC or
RPI SoC, and simple execution. This paper presents a way to use Mycroft AI as an alternative to add artificial intelligence-based voice
assistance to applications in the automotive domain. The voice communication module presented here drives notifications related to three
different entities: seat belt, fuel level and battery level, all of them are telltales present in any automotive Instrument Panel. Since the Mycroft
AI design approach is based on Human Centered Design (HCD), the voice communication module presented here provides real user
experience (UX) based design. As a conclusion, Mycroft AI demonstrates great potential as an alternative to add voice assistance to
automotive industry Human Machine Interface related products. About future work, due to the fact that Mycroft AI is based on Python, there
are many possibilities for connecting and expanding the voice communication module by using countless Python libraries in order to import
and process any type of information, in any format or source, for example the information from communication technologies like CAN, LIN,
Ethernet, MOST, GPS or any other device or technology in order to create comprehensive automotive solutions.
Keywords: Instrument panel; Virtual assistant; Voice communication module; Mycroft AI; Human centered design; User experience.
Resumen. - Este trabajo se originó del creciente interés por parte de diferentes industrias para implementar soluciones de asistente virtual
basado en voz impulsadas por el campo de estudio del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. Este trabajo está enfocado en los productos
relacionados a la Interfaz Humano Máquina de la industria automotriz, específicamente el Panel de Instrumentos. Hoy en día las personas
usan constantemente asistentes virtuales como Google Assistant, Alexa, Cortana o Siri en sus dispositivos electrónicos. Más aún, 31% de
los autos tienen un asistente virtual integrado, por ejemplo, Ford usa Alexa, Mercedes-Benz y Hyundai usan Google Assistant, BMW y Nissan
usan Cortana, GM usa IBM Watson, Honda usa Hana y Toyota usa YUI. Aparte de las soluciones de marca registrada descritas
anteriormente, también hay soluciones genéricas de código abierto contemporáneas disponibles en el mercado, tales como Mycroft AI que
se hace notar por sobre otras tecnologías por características como listo para usar, bien documentada, instalación simple en una PC Linux
o RPI SoC, y una ejecución simple. Este artículo presenta una manera de usar Mycroft AI como una alternativa para agregar inteligencia
artificial basada en asistencia de voz a aplicaciones en el dominio automotriz. El módulo de comunicación de voz presentado aquí maneja
notificaciones relacionadas a tres diferentes entidades: cinturón de seguridad, nivel de gasolina y nivel de batería, todos ellos son
indicadores virtuales presentes en cualquier Panel de Instrumentos Automotriz. Dado que el enfoque de diseño de Mycroft AI se basa en
Diseño Centrado en el Human (HCD), el módulo de comunicación por voz presentado aquí provee un diseño basado en experiencia de
usuario (UX) real. Como conclusión, Mycroft AI demuestra gran potencial como una alternativa para agregar asistencia de voz a los
productos relacionados a Interfaz Humano Máquina de la industria automotriz. Acerca del trabajo a futuro, debido al hecho que Mycroft AI
está basado en Python, existen muchas posibilidades para conectar y expandir el módulo de comunicación por voz a través del uso de
innumerables bibliotecas de Python para importar y procesar cualquier tipo de información, en cualquier formato o fuente, por ejemplo la
información proveniente de tecnologías de comunicación tales como CAN, LIN, Ethernet, MOST, GPS o cualquier otro dispositivo o
tecnología para crear soluciones automotrices integrales.
Palabras clave: Panel de instrumentos; Asistente virtual; Módulo de comunicación por voz; Mycroft AI; Diseño centrado en el humano;
Experiencia de usuario.
2 ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e328
1. Introduction
There is a growing interest in the field of NLP
study in academia, as several industries are
deploying virtual assistant solutions. [1] reports
27% of people have whether Google Assistant,
Alexa, Cortana or Siri, the smartphone is as 85%
high in adoption over intelligent speakers,
tablets, laptops, smart TVs, wearable technology,
and home automation, nevertheless, a remarkable
31% of cars nowadays have a virtual assistant. In
the automotive industry, [2] shows pairs of
manufacturers and virtual assistants, this is Ford
uses Alexa [3], Mercedes-Benz [4] and Hyundai
[5] use Google Assistant, BMW [6] and Nissan
[7] use Cortana, GM uses IBM Watson [8],
Honda uses Hana [9], Toyota uses YUI [10].
From the academy and research communities,
related relevant patents provide innovation
trends, on the one hand, Automotive Virtual
Personal Assistant [11] which is a system that
actively monitors the car state to provide relevant
notifications, and on the other hand, Proactive
Virtual Assistant [12] which evaluates user’s
information to provide suggestions and perform
actions in advance. Finally on worldwide events
like the Consumer Electronics Show, technology
and innovations from carmakers are presented as
well, like the Mercedes-Benz User Experience
Hyperscreen [13] which apart from multiple
displays a virtual assistant is integrated, by Hey
Mercedes command car information is retrieved,
and taking into consideration GPS location,
information of nearby restaurants, parking lots,
between others is provided to the driver. It is well
known that open-source products have
characteristics such as low or non-existing cost
for usage and distribution depending on the
license type, high quality, security, open access
and flexibility to modify its components,
furthermore collaboration and innovation are
present due to development communities
support; so, the virtual assistant solutions are not
the exception to the rule. Based on the earlier,
this work presents an investigation result in a
comparison table of relevant features of
contemporary open-source virtual assistant
solutions, besides a detail of the chosen solution
Mycroft AI’s components, algorithms, and
methods is provided. Afterwards, the steps to
create a Mycroft AI skill or application are
presented, followed by the customization of
intent, dialog and entity files for automotive
instrument panel’s indicators seat belt, fuel level
and battery level. The main application design
relies on dynamic behavior diagrams, a state
machine, and a sequence diagram, to create a
base product of a voice communication module
for automotive instrument panel indicators based
on Mycroft AI as the final goal. Finally,
achievements, contributions and future work are
listed and discussed.
2. Background
A wide range of open-source tools and
technologies related to virtual assistance are
available in the market, investigation was
performed on sites such as makezine [14] where
free and private voice assistants are compared
based on open source architecture components,
medevel [15] in which open-source technologies
and platforms of popular voice assistants are
analyzed, yourtechdiet [16] which lists project’s
origin and up-to-date status of best open source
voice assistants, and finally libhunt [17] which
reports virtual assistant solutions’ popularity
based on activity, commits on corresponding
repositories and mentions from development
communities, based on the earlier, the Table 1.
Contemporary open-source virtual assistant
solutions was created, the table shows a
comparison between different contemporary
open-source virtual assistant solutions and their
most relevant characteristics. Mycroft [18] stood
from the crowd due to ready to deploy, well
documented, simple installation on a Linux PC,
and straightforward execution.
2 ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e328
Table 1. Contemporary open-source virtual assistant solutions.
Linux, RPI
C++, Java
Rest, Bash
2.1 Why use Mycroft?
Mycroft is presented on IEEE's Entrepreneurs in
consumer Electronics [19] as an open-source
software platform which integrates technologies
that have significantly improved in recent years
such as speech recognition, text to voice,
command processing, etc., all these technologies
allow to add voice assistance powered by
artificial intelligence to any application executed
on laptops, speakers, Raspberry PIs and cars.
A successful deployment of Mycroft is [20] in
which an intelligent robot assistant is created to
handle smart homes for the elderly.
3 ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e328
Over other solutions Mycroft [21] presents itself
Open source: The Mycroft code can be
analyzed, copied, modified, and distributed,
these cannot be said for Alexa, Google Assistant,
Cortana, Siri which are black boxes, contents is
hidden and protected by commercial licenses.
Respectful of users’ privacy: Voice
recording works only if user grants permission.
Multiple hardware compliant: RPI,
Android, Linux PC.
Light: Designed to be executed on low
cost, low power, and low resources hardware.
Community oriented: Vibrant, committed,
and helpful community.
2.2 Modular Mycroft
Mycroft implements Voice Stack components
[14] as part of an open-source virtual assistant
architecture, these components can be
configured, personalized, started and stopped
independently, their openness and flexibility is
the main advantage of Mycroft against the
commercial and other open-source counterparts.
Wake Word Detection: “Hey Mycroft” is
default, customized through [22]. Due to the
simplicity to configure a new Wake Word
through phonemes on a text configuration file
based on CMU Dictionary of sound, it was
decided to use PocketSphinx [23] part of
CMUSphinx [24] originally based on the
SPHINX-II [25] speech recognition system, this
system achieves improved unified acoustic and
language modeling through normalized feature
representations, multiple-codebook semi-
continuous hidden Markov models, between-
word senones, and multi-pass search algorithms.
Software Precise can be used to provide higher
precision on Wake Word detection at the expense
of demanding training a NN on large audio
Speech To Text: Google STT [26] is the
default engine, deep learning progress on voice
transcription makes possible models like LSTM
RNN [27] perform remarkably on the speech
recognition domain and further text transcription.
Intent Parser: Adapt [28] is the default
software developed by Mycroft AI to identify
utterances or commands as machine readable
data structures after parsing the natural language
text input. Software Padatious [29] can be used
to provide higher precision on utterance
detection at the expense of demanding training a
NN on required phrases.
Text to Speech: Mimic [30] is the default
software, developed by Mycroft AI along with
VocaliID, Mimic is based on the open-source
text to speech synthesis engine CMU’s Flite,
voice synthesis is achieved by Classification and
Regression Tree and Finite State Transducer
algorithms. Google TTS [31] can be also used.
Mycroft Skills: Mycroft AI applications,
e.g., timers, alarms, whether, time, date, etc.,
custom skills can be developed with Mycroft
Skills Kit (MSK) support and Python
programming language.
2.3 User Centered Design
Mycroft's design and development approach is
driven by user's needs, the philosophy also
known as User Centered Design (UCD) a concise
version of Human Centered Design (HCD)
which turns around observe and understand
users, assures useful, understandable, pleasant,
and enjoyable products to interact with,
essentially the final goal of the Norman's User
Experience [32].
Mycroft makes use of the Design Thinking [33]
method, which synthesizes the problem handling
as follows:
When _______,
I want _______,
So, I am able to _______,
4 ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e328
This follows the Mycroft's application flow.
What words will be used?
What will be the answer to provide?
What information will be needed?
What dependencies are required.?
3. Methodology
After the hardware to work with is chosen
whether it is RPI, Android or Linux PC, in order
to use Mycroft AI, steps in [18] must be followed
to install and set all the dependencies needed to
successfully run the software solution, generic
tests are provided to make sure the solution is
properly installed and dependencies working
well, this is especially relevant for the
microphone and speakers peripherals and
corresponding drivers, just in case of trouble,
useful help is provided by Mycroft AI with a
troubleshooting section [34].
The Figure 2. Mycroft AI flow to create a Skill”
shows the steps to create and modify the Skill to
meet custom needs.
Figure 2. Mycroft AI flow to create a Skill.
3.1 Mycroft Skill Kit
Mycroft Skills Kit (MSK) utility is installed
along with Mycroft with the objective to
facilitate the creation, upload, and upgrade of
skills in the corresponding local directories or
repositories. mycroft-msk create is the console
command used to run MSK and execute an
interactive script to ask and answer information
to generate a skill skeleton in the form of a
3.2 Creation of Automotive Telltales Skill
An automotive Instrument Panel (IP) presents to
the driver different ECUs's signals visually or
auditory, this work considers three main telltales
which are part of the safety relevant telltales
according to the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA) [35]: seat belt,
fuel level and battery level.
For example, for seat belt telltale, applying the
Design Thinking approach previously presented,
we get the following output:
When seat belt status is queried and unfastened,
I want to be provided a suggestion to fasten the
seat belt,
So, I am able to achieve a trustful trip.
Table 2. Mycroft Skill Kit script for Skill
Telltales shows the mycroft-msk create
command result for seat belt telltale.
5 ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e328
Table 2. Mycroft Skill Kit script for Skill Telltales.
Script question
Answer given
What is the car seat belt status
Car seat belt is fastened
Short description
Telltale status / Indicator level retrieval
Long description
Skill to retrieve instrument panel's current telltale
status or indicator level
Hernandez Ricardo
Finally, MSK's script asks for GitHub's
repositories creation for the skill, this will be
required only if the skill will be published in the
Mycroft's marketplace. In our case, it is enough
the MSK's output, this is the Skill Telltales
located in local directory /opt/mycroft/skills,
Table 3. Mycroft Skill Telltales output shows
output files and directories.
Table 3. Mycroft Skill Telltales output.
Directory containing files (intent and dialog) for
every language supported, en-us for English as
The skill python-based core to import libraries,
define class which inherits from Mycroft Skill to
work with voice, define own methods to handle
intents and dialogs, create skill's class instance and
its execution.
Skill's human readable information, provided in
MSK's script, short and long descriptions, author,
Parameters of Mycroft's profile stored at, like date,
time, time measured, location, voice type, etc.
External software dependencies if any.
3.3 Intents, Dialogs and Entity files
Within Locale directory it is found intent file and
dialog file which contains phrases originated in
MSK's script, later by manually editing this pair
of files and following the Mycroft’s guidelines
and rules, custom utterances and dialogs were
added to these files. Besides, file telltales.entity
6 ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e328
was manually created to provide flexibility, a
wild-card to handle different kind of phrases for
each telltale, the entities are used in both, intent
and dialog files. Referenced files and
corresponding contents are summarized in
Table 4. Intent, Dialog and Entity files”. Facts
about dialogs are on the one hand, that they are
randomly chosen by Mycroft to simulate a more
natural impression, and on the other hand in this
work dialogs are intentionally incomplete to
handle apart each telltale's status or level through
python code. The result is the user experience’s
feedback functionality in action.
Table 4. Intent, Dialog and Entity files
Car {telltale} status
Current car {telltale} status
What is the car {telltale} status
Status of car {telltale} status
(Give | Tell) me the car {telltale} status
{telltale} is
Car {telltale} is
Current car {telltale} is
seat belt
fuel level
battery level
Furthermore, a sample of user experience’s
feedforward functionality, this is, the helpful
information provided to the user to decide what
to do next, is exemplified as a simulated car trip
in three different modes. Every trip mode
represents a different level of feedforward
functionality detailed in Table 5. Trip modes for
feedforward functionality”.
Table 5. Trip modes for feedforward functionality
Trip mode
System’s behavior description
Notification Mode
Telltale’s status or level is provided with simple
sentence and no more. Decision of what to do
next relies completely on the user.
Suggestion Mode
Telltale’s status or level is provided with context
information sentence about the car’s location.
Even decision of what to do next still relies on
user, on this mode the decision is facilitated.
Action Mode
Telltale’s status or level is provided with context
information sentence about the car’s location.
Decision of what to do next relies completely on
assumed autonomous car.
7 ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e328
A simple state machine model was created to
depict available Trip Modes, this is presented in
“Figure 3. Trip Modes state chart”. To start a trip
and enter one of the Trip Modes available,
utterances are introduced by adding intent files
presented in “Table 6. Trip modes intent files”.
Figure 3. Trip Modes state chart.
Table 6. Trip Modes intent files
start notification trip
start suggestion trip
start action trip
Simulated trip’s sequence of actions for each
Trip Mode which takes into consideration
utterances, dialogs and simulated ECU’s
messages are shown in corresponding sequence
diagrams. On “Figure 4. Skill Telltales
Notification Mode sequence diagram”, after
welcome message is provided by the voice
communication module running inside an UX
ECU, utterance from user is received to start a
trip in Notification Mode, then simulated ECUs:
Seat Belt, Fuel Level and Battery Level provide
corresponding status to finally trigger
notification messages with predefined simple
sentence dialogs. Decision on what to do next
relies on the user.
8 ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e328
Figure 4. Skill Telltales Notification Mode sequence diagram.
On “Figure 5. Skill Telltales Suggestion Mode
sequence diagram”, after welcome message is
provided by the voice communication module
running inside an UX ECU, utterance from user
is received to start a trip in Suggestion Mode,
then simulated ECUs: Seat Belt, Fuel Level and
Battery Level provide corresponding status to
finally trigger suggestion messages with
predefined sentence dialogs based on context
information about the car’s location. Even
decision of what to do next still relies on user, on
this mode the decision is facilitated.
Figure 5. Skill Telltales Suggestion Mode sequence diagram.
9 ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e328
On “Figure 6. Skill Telltales Action Mode
sequence diagram”, after welcome message is
provided by the voice communication module
running inside an UX ECU, utterance from user
is received to start a trip in Action Mode, then
simulated ECUs: Seat Belt, Fuel Level and
Battery Level provide corresponding status to
finally trigger action messages with predefined
sentence dialogs based on context information
about the car’s location. Decision of what to do
next relies completely on assumed autonomous
Figure 6. Skill Telltales Action Mode sequence diagram.
3.3 Skill Telltales class
The Mycroft generated and later customized
Skill Telltales python class, through the methods
handle_telltales, handle_notification,
handle_suggestion and handle_action is the
main responsible to process each telltale's status
request and speaks a predefined output according
to the dynamic behavior represented in “Figure
3. Trip Modes state chart”, “Figure 4. Skill
Telltales Notification Mode sequence diagram”,
“Figure 5. Skill Telltales Suggestion Mode
sequence diagram”, and “Figure 6. Skill Telltales
Action Mode sequence diagram”.
3.4 Test cases
To provide a real example of the Skill Telltales
class in action Table 7. Test cases for Skill
Telltales” summarizes meaningful test cases, this
is the input called intent, utterance or command
provided by a human with his voice to Mycroft
AI and corresponding output called dialog
provided Mycroft AI to the human.
10 ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e328
Table 7. Test cases for Skill Telltales.
Intent (Human)
Dialog (Mycroft AI)
Car seat belt status
Current car seat belt is Unfastened
What is the car fuel level status
Fuel level status is Reserve
Give me the car battery level status
Car battery level status is Low
Start Notification Trip
Notification messages from simulated trip
in Notification Mode
Start Suggestion Trip
Suggestion messages from simulated trip
in Suggestion Mode
Start Action Trip
Action messages from simulated trip in
Action Mode
4. Results and discussions
The main goals and results achieved in this work
are listed as follows:
Voice-Based Virtual Assistants
investigation result reveals an increasing trend in
the automotive industry, this is confirmed by
their omnipresence in current and short-term
future vehicles, also it is proof enough of their
relevance as a big value asset that must be paid
attention to.
Contemporary Open-Source Virtual
Assistant solutions presented here as
investigation result, evidences the worldwide
motivations to work and contribute to the
improvement and refinement of methods,
algorithms and techniques related to the NLP.
Mycroft AI demonstrated to be the most
complete Open-Source Virtual Assistant based
on the facts of installation and setup on a Linux
PC is quite simple, documentation and
troubleshooting is available and helpful, and
finally, deployment of voice applications or skills
is straightforward aided by the MSK.
The skill Telltales created by following the
UCD approach and the Design Thinking method
over three telltales seat belt, fuel level and battery
level, represents a voice communication module
for automotive instrument panel indicators with
the following characteristics: 1) Simple, because
skill output folder and dependency files are
reduced and concrete, 2) Portable, since it can
be deployed in hardware like RPI, Android or
Linux PC which has Mycroft AI instantiated, and
3) Customizable, though the adaption of the
intent, dialog, entity files as well as the python
based class of the skill.
5. Conclusions
The main contribution of this work is to lay the
foundations of the evolution of contemporary
Automotive Instrument Panels from a mere
physical device to a comprehensive virtual
device, this is, automobile users demand of future
vehicles voice-based virtual assistance, which is
easily achieved by using Mycroft AI, besides the
unique footprint of Mycroft AI is the deployment
of the UCD approach and the Design Thinking
method that makes the difference against
For this work, the scope of the Instrument Panel’s
indicators was reduced to only three telltales
which are safety relevant: seat belt, fuel level and
11 ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 6 (4): e328
battery level, however real Instrument Panel’s
indicators are numerous safety relevant or non-
safety relevant, a short list of intents and dialogs
was introduced in corresponding files to keep it
simple, and finally a fixed status for each telltale
was set in the corresponding python class to
conclude generic dialogs.
About the applicability of the contribution of this
work, the automotive industry whether big
companies, mid-range companies or start-ups are
the main interested parties and beneficiaries of
this work, since voice communication modules
are fully compatible with any kind of HMI
products inside the car. Due to the fact Mycroft
AI is an open-source solution, its usage brings
economic benefits along with legal
Future work relies on the vast possibilities of
connection and expansion of the voice
communication module presented in this work,
through the usage of countless python libraries to
import any kind, format or source of information,
for example, different systems interconnection
through communication buses and technologies
already available in the automotive domain like
CAN, LIN, Ethernet, MOST, GPS location
between others, in order to get, process and
present relevant information to the final user.
6. Acknowledgment
To Posgrado CIATEQ A.C. due to the
institutional support and guidance received to
conclude this work in a professional and
successful way. To Continental Automotive
Occidente due to the sponsorship provided to
perform the master’s degree along with Posgrado
CIATEQ A.C. which made possible this work.
To Dr. Francisco Javier Ibarra Villegas due to
their guidance and support on the process to
shape and concrete this work.
7. Authorship acknowledgment
Ricardo Hernández Mejía: Conceptualization,
Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal
analysis, Research, Resources, Original draft,
Visualization, Project administration. Francisco
Javier Ibarra Villegas: Review and Editing,
Supervision, Project Administration. Cain Pérez
Wences: Review and Editing.
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