for the efficient execution and follow-up of these
policies. Different authors have initiated research
on this subject, but it is still necessary to develop
research that contributes as a study framework
for the methodology and management of
integrating public policies. Likewise, it is
imperative that there be proper execution and
monitoring by government agencies in relation to
the integration of public policies, with joint
actions from the stage of the country's
development plan carried out by the government.
Public policies as a subject of analysis and
reflection must consider the different branches of
knowledge from sociological studies to scientific
and technological ones, with contemporary
issues applied in governance, with action
programs involving collective benefits for social
benefit [8]. Public policies can be defined as an
integrating process of decisions, actions,
inactions, agreements, advancing by government
authorities, the eventual participation of
individuals, aimed at solving or preventing a
situation defined as problematic [9]. The
analytical frameworks for the study and public
policies must be based on critical junctures such
as institutional actions and other mechanisms,
due to the geopolitical situation of the country,
the integration of policies must be based on a
global perspective, with the pertinent
environmental implications, the genesis of said
public policies aimed at concrete actions for
sustainable development, with a focus on being
regulatory policies to achieve the established
objectives. The idea that public policies have
marked the development of the field in the region
and the way of thinking about public action in our
latitudes, as a method of directing the
development and planning of government
programs, these policies have a systematic notion
(cycle of public policies), which establishes
chronological and successive stages, with the
idea of following up on problems of a social
nature, called "problematization", which is the
entry into the agenda, the discussion and
formulation of alternatives, the decision set in
motion by government agencies, and finally the
evaluation with its feedback with the social
system [10].
Regarding energy policies to take the path
towards SDG-7, Mexico must promote the broad
energy potential for the development of
renewable projects. The energy reform was a
provision of Mexico as the key measure to
comply with the commitments in terms of
emission reduction at the national and
international level, one of its limitations was that
it does not guarantee energy security, in addition
to not having been aligned with the guidelines to
promote renewable energy [11], to migrate to low
carbon power generation strategies.
Strategies within public policies for low carbon
must link to fiscal policies as a tool that helps
guarantee the energy transition. Fiscal policy can
be defined as the range of tax and spending
decisions by the authorities that have important
repercussions on all aspects of development. For
the purposes of this document, the interest of
these policies should focus on sustainable,
environmental, and socioeconomic matters.
Economic growth can support sustainability from
an environmental point of view, and reciprocally
an implementation of renewable projects with a
perspective of the energy transition that entail
impacts on health and quality of life, without
diverting the vision of socioeconomic
development. Fiscal policy can also affect
economic growth through the effects it has on the
incentives of individuals and companies. These
policies implemented in the planning of an
agenda for the incorporation of renewable
energies would favor its promotion with
guidelines for stimuli and tax penalties. Thus,
leading to sustainable development, for example,
energy subsidies, most countries grant explicit or
implicit subsidies to coal, electricity, oil (mainly
in crude oil exporting countries), gas, and nuclear