Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 3 (1): 10-22.
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Universidad Autónoma de Baja California ISSN 2594-1925
Volumen 2 (4): 159-165. Octubre-Diciembre 2019
Conditions for the Development of Industry 4.0 from the
Human Capital Technological Competences Perspective
Condiciones para el desarrollo de la industria 4.0 desde la perspectiva de
competencias tecnológicas del capital humano
Avitia Carlos Patricia , Morales García Carlos Gerardo, Rodríguez Verduzco José Luis , Rodríguez
Tapia Bernabe , Candolfi Arballo Norma
Facultad de Ciencias de la Ingeniería y Tecnología, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Blvd.
Universitario 1000. Unidad Valle de las Palmas, Tijuana, Baja California. C.P. 21500
Autor de correspondencia: Patricia Avitia Carlos, Facultad de Ciencias de la Ingeniería y Tecnología, Universidad
Autónoma de Baja California, Blvd. Universitario 1000. Unidad Valle de las Palmas, Tijuana, Baja California. C.P. 21500.
Correo electrónico: ORCID:
Recibido: 20 de Mayo del 2019 Aceptado: 13 Octubre del 2019 Publicado: 30 de Octubre del 2019
Resumen. - La denominada Industria 4.0 sustenta su aparición y crecimiento en el empleo de técnicas de inteligencia
artificial para el desarrollo de sistemas de producción cuya capacidad, eficiencia y adaptabilidad rebasen el desempeño de
los sistemas actuales basados en computadora. La manufactura inteligente corresponde entonces a la digitalización e
interconexión de dispositivos para la construcción de líneas de producción y proveeduría que compartan un flujo continuo
de información. Esta revolución involucra el desarrollo de tecnologías tales como el Internet de las cosas, la analítica de
datos y los cibersistemas con aprendizaje de máquina, entre otros. El desarrollo y sostenimiento de estos sistemas de
manufactura avanzada representan un área de oportunidad para el crecimiento de la competitividad tecnológica de las
economías regionales. Existen, sin embargo, necesidades formativas entre los profesionales de Ingeniería para el desarrollo
de competencias tecnológicas específicas; así como de condiciones generales para el establecimiento de redes de innovación
entre academia y sector productivo. El presente trabajo realiza, mediante el empleo de técnicas bibliográficas, una revisión
de la literatura desarrollada en torno a la industria 4.0. Como resultado, presenta una revisión de las tendencias
tecnológicas involucradas y discute el papel de las instituciones de educación superior en el desarrollo de capital humano
competitivo. Se observan además múltiples áreas de oportunidad en el mediano y largo plazo para reforzar los programas
de colaboración entre la universidad y la industria relacionados con esta adopción.
Palabras clave: Industria 4.0; Capital humano; Competencias tecnológicas; Educación superior; Redes de innovación.
Abstract. - The so-called Industry 4.0 supports its emergence and growth in the use of artificial intelligence techniques
for the development of production systems whose capacity, efficiency and adaptability exceed the performance of current
computer-based systems. Intelligent manufacturing corresponds to the digitization and interconnection of devices for the
construction of production and supply chains that share a continuous flow of information. This revolution involves the
development of technologies such as the Internet of Things, data analytics and cyber-systems aligned with machine learning,
among others. The development and sustainability of these advanced manufacturing systems represent an area of opportunity
for the growth of the technological competitiveness of regional economies. There are, however, training needs among
engineering professionals for the development of specific updated technological competences; as well as a need of general
conditions for the establishment of innovation networks between academia and the productive sector. This paper uses
bibliographic techniques to examine existing literature and conducts a review on Industry 4.0. As a result, it presents an
overview of the related technological trends and discuss the role of higher education institutions in the development of
competitive human capital. There are also multiple areas of opportunity in the medium and long term to strength university-
industry collaboration programs related to this adoption.
Keywords: Industry 4.0; Human capital; Technological competences; Higher education; Innovation networks.
ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 2 (4): 159-165.
1. Introduction
The economic and social relevance of industrial
revolutions lies in the fact that they not only
technically modify the means of production, but
also produce a social impact; which is located
primarily in the labor market and the education
system. As a result of the changes generated by
these revolutions, some jobs and professions
disappear as they become obsolete, while new
jobs are emerging [1-2]. At the labor level, there
is a need to strengthen specific technological
competences in human capital, as well as to
develop other emerging ones.
Industrial revolutions are identified as those
disruptive changes that modify the goods
production systems, market dynamics and
organization labor. These changes have
happened during the last two centuries as a result
of a technological evolution. Thus, the first
industrial revolution was the result of the
introduction of steam engines in the
manufacturing factories; the second arose from
the use of electricity to develop technologies of
mass production with the consequent division of
labor; the third revolution used electronics and
information technologies to develop greater
automation of manufacturing [1,3-5]. On the
other hand, the use of the Internet and various
techniques of artificial intelligence places us
now before a fourth industrial revolution, which
has been called Industry 4.0 (I4.0).
We find that under the term I4.0 several
intelligent technologies are included, which
together affect the product manufacturing value
chain; through the automation of production
systems, the interconnectivity of digital devices,
the flexibilization of manufacturing processes
and, in general, the existing information
communication and treatment among the
different company levels and even outside it.
This fourth industrial revolution has also been
constituted as a strategy for technological and
economic competitiveness, sponsored by
government agencies in various countries and
devoted to the development of advanced
manufacturing industry; among which are
Germany (Industry 4.0), the United States
(Nationwide Network for Manufacturing
Innovation), China (Made in China 2025),
France (La Nouvelle France Industrielle) and
India (Make in India), among others [3,6-8].
The competition that countries such as China
and India represent to manufacturing industries
has forced developed countries to focus more on
innovation, added value and services. Their
companies are more willing to introduce new
technologies that improve quality, make
resources more efficient, reduce risks and allow
them to remain competitive in the market. On
the contrary, those companies that do not face
technological challenges will also experience
challenges to introduce new products and
services, innovation and business models [9].
The present work realizes a revision of the
technological competitions required in the
human capital, from the emergent technologies
that integrate the Industry 4.0; to explore the
companies’ competitive path for its
establishment. An exploratory review of
technologies, the suggested competencies and
the role of higher education institutions is made.
The experiences collected point to the need to
establish collaborations between the
ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 2 (4): 159-165.
government-industry-university and the
construction of specialized ecosystems that
endow the value chain with human talent.
2. Methodology
A qualitative exploratory study is carried out.
The Narrative Literature Review method is
used, which consists in the completion of a
narrative synthesis of previously published
information that allows conclusions about the
topic of interest to be drawn [10].
The main objective was to review existing
literature and case studies, to extract and
compare theories about the works future as well
as the required personnel competencies within
the framework of Industry 4.0. Provided that in
a Narrative Literature Review one of the
possible purposes consists of the identification
of problems or weaknesses within a research
topic, and it is additionally considered useful to
connect or relate different topics for
reinterpretation [11]. Therefore, the selected
methodology is considered adequate given the
proposed objective.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
about Industry 4.0 published in Scientific
Databases were reviewed (Ebsco & IEEE) from
year 2015 to date. Search terms included
Industry 4.0 and Education or Competencies, for
English or Spanish publications. Works
describing experiences and / or implementation
proposals were favored.
3. Discussion
3.1 Industry 4.0 context
The Industry 4.0 designation appears for the first
time in Germany during the Hannover Fair
2011, as a term used to encompass the different
disciplines and technologies associated with the
development of intelligently interconnected,
autonomous and flexible manufacturing
processes [3-5].
I4.0 is frequently related to other terms such as
Internet of Things (IoT), Cyberphysical Systems
(CPS), Intelligent Systems and Digital Factories
[9]; nevertheless, each of them constitutes a
branch of its own technological development.
Actually, I4.0 integrates nine different
technological fields in industrial production
processes: Autonomous Robots, Simulation,
Horizontal and Vertical Systems Integration,
Internet of Things, Cybersecurity, Cloud,
Additive Manufacturing, Augmented Reality
and Data Analytics [12].
Since its appearance, various definitions have
been proposed around the I4.0, among which are
those cited by [4]: “the integration of com-plex
physical machinery and devices with networked
sensors and software, used to predict, control
and plan for better business and societal
outcomes”; or well, a new level of value chain
organization and management across the
lifecycle of products”. On the other hand, [9]
define it as “a revolution enabled by application
of advanced technologies (like IT) at production
level to bring new values and services for
customers and organization itself”. As can be
seen, the definitions vary from the perspective in
which the I4.0 phenomenon is analyzed,
whether it is technology, manufacturing or
business. In summary, authors agree in the fact
that there is no unanimous definition to date,
given the broad field of technologies,
ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 2 (4): 159-165.
manufacturing processes and business that it
integrates [4,13].
Despite not having a universally accepted
definition, it can be concluded that I4.0
generates disruptive changes in supply chains
and business models. For it operates under the
principles of interoperability, virtualization,
decentralization, real-time capability, as well as
an orientation to services and modularity [4].
The attributes commonly referred to as essential
components of I4.0 are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Industry 4.0 Attributes.
Although I4.0 has attracted increasing attention,
there is still no detailed critical route for its
realization [3]. For Hofmann & Rüsch [13],
companies must be accompanied and supported
in a practical way in this adoption path; since
there is still a vague idea about the concept, the
integrating technologies and its potential in
financial terms. It has also been noted that the
success in the implementation of these
technologies will depend on the network
integration capabilities and the engineering
throughout the value chain [6]. The priority
action areas to achieve I4.0 are listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Priority Action Areas according to Kagermann
Priority Action Areas for I4.0
Standardization and Reference Architecture
Managing Complex Systems
Delivering a Comprehensive Broadband Infrastructure
Safety and Security
Work Organization and Design
Training and Continuing Professional Development
Regulatory Framework
Resource Productivity and Efficiency
3.2 Industry 4.0 human capital
There are several challenges associated with the
4.0 industry projects. One of these challenges is
related to people, specifically the lack of
qualified personnel [6, 12]. The qualifications
and skills of employees will be greater than in
the present, due to the use of new technologies
and smart media in companies. Consequently,
the work force will be key to the success of
innovative factories [1].
In accordance with the review carried out, the
formative features required to promote the
establishment of I4.0 are presented in Table 2. It
is believed that jobs that have to do with
artificial intelligence’ control and
implementation will become more relevant, so
there will be more job opportunities through
specialized knowledge related to the technology
to be implemented.
ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 2 (4): 159-165.
Table 2. Proposed formative traits for the human capital development on I4.0
Khan & Turowski, 2016 [9]
- Confidence and motivation.
- Counteract change resistance.
- Increase employee safety and awareness.
Ministry Economy, 2016
- Specialized professions in IoT and BigData will be required.
Demartini & Benussi, 2017
- Ability to self-organize central content of particular fields and master a large amount and
variety of information.
- Skills and competences for improvement and continuous and progressive self-regulation.
- Transferable skills and competences that are directly applicable throughout various social,
business and professional scenarios.
- Skills and competences for lifelong learning, including knowledge construction, adaptability,
ability to find, organize and obtain information, critical thinking and teamwork.
Benešová & Tupa, 2017 [1]
- One of the main problems will be the age and skills of the employees (for advanced
information systems management).
- The main required professions: Software Engineer, Programmers (Robot and / or PLC),
Process and Manufacturing Engineers, Data Analysts, Cybersecurity, Technicians and
Maintenance Engineers.
Moldovan, 2018 [15]
According to educational providers:
- Creativity, cognitive flexibility, basic and social skills;
According to SMEs:
- Ability to solve complex problems, cognitive flexibility, critical thinking, technology and
design of user experiences.
Martínez Ruiz [2]
- Future adaptation capacity.
- Development of critical, creative and ethical skills for resilience.
Stankovski, 2019 [16]
- Multidisciplinary knowledge and experience.
From the human capital point of view, the
different positions of the mentioned authors
agree in the relevance of technological
competencies for the development of I4.0,
emphasizing the ability to learn and develop
along with the appearance of new technical
elements. In this sense, we take the definition of
technological competence [17] in the companies
context, as a set of cognitive, attitudinal and
value dispositions that allows developing human
capital inside of an organization, to interact and
master the conscious or unconscious use of
Information, Communication and Collaboration
Technologies, as referred to the technological
appropriation and incubation for innovation in
services, processes or products that provide
benefits and business growth, strictly based on
the collaborative work of the personnel”. Thus,
the development of transferable technological
competences from the individual to the different
levels of the company, from production to
business management, would be part of the
critical route towards I4.0.
3.3 Higher Education and I4.0
The participation of educational institutions is
key in the development of national strategies to
impulse I4.0 [1,3,6,7,8,16]. The educational
framework that emerges must consider the
complex relationship between all the ecosystem
stakeholders (students, teachers, universities,
companies, government). In this context, the
main objective is to improve the efficiency of
educational processes to make learning
sustainable for any apprentice regardless of age
or culture [14].
ISSN: 2594-1925
Revista de Ciencias Tecnológicas (RECIT). Volumen 2 (4): 159-165.
The engineering education curriculum should
then be rethought considering the design
principles of Industry 4.0; merging theory with
laboratory practices and the concepts of
information technologies [12]. Incorporate
virtual resources, virtual learning environments
to transfer and develop knowledge and skills [1].
As well as enable appropriation of digital
pedagogies, linked to unschooled training,
through flexible, adaptive, multi-agent and
resilient learning environments [2]. The
indicated changes to the curriculum point to the
need to provide flexibility (in time, space and
contents), besides preparing the participant to
face rapid technology changes, providing it with
competences for self-learning and information
technologies management.
In this human capital formation scheme, the
companies preferred continuing education
programs and / or workers retraining in
collaboration with the academy; because the
knowledge or know-how and the experience in
the company’ field is valued above the hiring of
new employees [12,15]. To make possible the
university-business collaboration for the I4.0
requires a revision of the collaboration
mechanisms, including linking programs,
science and technology communication and even
education management [2]. It is necessary to
clarify in this review the roles of the university
and the company, as well as draw a detailed map
of the collaborative projects [8]. The training of
specialized consultants [6], international
certifications and the construction of I4.0 clusters
according to regional industrial vocations [7] are
also suggested.
4. Conclusions
The empirical works that link higher education
with the development of I4.0 are scarce, although
it is pointed out as critical for its establishment.
Likewise, the programs and strategies of
different governments involve the development
of technological vocations capable of joining the
intelligent manufacturing industry and its value
chain. The review carried out gathers reflections,
experiences and strategies on I4.0. From these,
we can observe the need for government support
with a strategic project in the medium and long
term for industries to develop the potential of
I4.0. Despite not having a definitive route, it is
clear that educational institutions have a
determining role in the construction of
competitiveness of human capital, from the
technological educational programs offer, the
curriculum update and the connection with the
industry to offer continuous education programs
and technical and professional certifications. The
research future work on the subject should
deepen in the collaboration schemes that involve
the development of technological competitions,
using flexible models and virtual learning
environments, as well as virtual reality tools that
could materialize in practical programs.
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